New Zealand and The World is waking up. Freedom rights.


Episode of Fight for Freedom movement in New Zealand and other countries JOIN my Telegram : mandates, covid pass, teachers, nurses, mandatory, Covid, protests, quarantine, provax, kids, churches, coerscion, duress, government, New Zealand, NZ, hold the line, peacefull, march, gathering, masks, regime, poilice, haka, freedom, rights, voices, coalition, Tamaki, fake, mass media, premier, false, segregation, apartheid, unity, fight, stand, awake, concerns

Almond Force


Almond Force is a team dedicated to providing the cyber security and IT community with training on different platforms and events such as CTFs, Hack the Box, TryHackMe, and more! The team's founder is Almond Milk, and we strive to grow enough to where we can release content as our full-time career. We would rather work independently and for the community and provide you all with our expertise and knowledge, rather than having to work that typical 9 to 5 shift that most people have to abide by (including ourselves for the time being).

Christian Voice New Zealand


If you are fed up with misinformation, false news, and being manipulated? Then this channel is for you. Each week broadcaster/journalist Mike Bain is direct, when looking at events happening affecting our lives and culture through the lens of the bible. As a Christian commentator, he confronts today's issues in the church, country, culture, and government. You don't have to be a Christian to agree or disagree. Subscribe to the channel and see for yourself.