Gaijin Animation Appreciation Hour


Welcome friends to the Gaijin Animation Appreciation Hour! We are your hosts Sig Bisley and Colt Mauser. What is the channel about you ask? Here we will, together, appreciate anime in all its many splendid forms. We’ll even appreciate things other than anime, but only when the mood is right. Our purpose here is to bring all of you much needed water in the entertainment desert we find ourselves in today. There may be thousands of things to watch on the various streaming services, but unfortunately most of it is nothing more than poorly written, agenda driven swill, that you will be assured is the finest sake. Well, no more my friends. Here we will offer you cup after cup of pure entertainment, with a combination of interesting concepts mixed with a double shot of ultra violence and a liberal application of “fan service”. Please enjoy.

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Hi friends, I am (GGmod)! I create gaming videos with different ideas. My channel differs from similar ones in that I create videos with a special approach: using Adobe Premire Pro and then making unique previews in Source Filmmaker and Adobe Photoshop. I also use free images from google in the background in my locations in my videos. The audio and video sources in this video were created so that the viewer hears and sees the new UNIQUE content.

With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.

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With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.