Tales From A Consumer Verified


Tales From A Consumer," the groundbreaking reality TV podcast hosted by Ya Girl Renae. Join us as guests take the mic to spill the beans on their triumphs and tribulations with products, brands, businesses, organizations, and even people! From the highs of satisfaction to the lows of disappointment, every story is fair game. Tune in for a raw and riveting exploration of the consumer experience like never before. Disclaimer: "All statements made by guests and the host are based on personal opinions and should not be considered as factual information. Everything mentioned is speculative and should be treated as alleged or hearsay."

Ya Girl Renae Reviews Verified


Ya Girl Renae Reviews is a popular web series hosted by Renae, a celebrity life reviewer who takes her audience on a wide variety of experiences with products, brands, organizations, people, and more. Renae often travels to different destinations, providing viewers with an authentic look at these places in real life. She also unboxes and reviews products received through the mail, emphasizing a budget-friendly lifestyle without compromising on quality Follow our new Quora Page! https://yagirlrenaereviews.quora.com/?invite_code=3tpU0fVMOoBLfSqguTgq

The Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives


The Rio Times is a Swiss-owned independent English-language publication dedicated to anyone interested in Brazil, Latin America and Alternative Narratives. It was launched in June 2009 as a print and digital publication aiming to offer clear and concise coverage of news and current affairs in Brazil and Latin America in English. We do so by curating existing news sources, primarily Portuguese and Spanish-language media outlets that publish content online. We strive for accuracy, balance, and fairness in our coverage, but we are only as good as our sources, most of which are Latin America's leading newspapers and magazines.

BAM! Belgian Alternative Media Verified


BAM! est un nouveau média alternatif, pluraliste, optimiste, rigoureux, impertinent et, surtout, indépendant. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens, issus de catégories socio-professionnelles et générationnelles variées, journalistes, militants, entrepreneurs, commerçants, artistes… soucieux de défendre, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la liberté d’opinion. Notre motivation: aborder sans tabou la crise actuelle de la Covid-19, en questionnant les enjeux scientifiques démocratiques, économiques, psychologiques, philosophiques, environnementaux et culturels qui en découlent. Constatant que les médias officiels jouent de moins en moins leur rôle critique, nous voulons recréer le débat et avoir un impact sur l’opinion publique, en donnant une information rigoureuse, éclairante et non biaisée, qui permette à chacun de faire son opinion.