50 Word Short Stories ... Almost Poetry But Not Really Verified


50 Word Short Stories …. Almost Poetry But Not Really …. It’s A Collectible Anthology Of Non-Fiction & Fictional Autobiographical Biographical Tellings, Stories, Jokes, Poems, One-liners, Short Stories, Definitions, Urban Dictionary Definitions, How To, Manual Descriptions, Violent War Stories, Horror Stories, Marriage Stories, Divorce Stories, Kids Stories But Not Stories For Kids, Parenting Stories, Death Stories, Struggling Through Loss Of Loved Ones, Personal Illness And Loss Of Income … And Of Course Love Stories That Involve Romance And Graphic Scenes Of Physical Love Making … And It’s Dedicate To You!\n\nThese stories and more are authored by Michael J. PENNEY ... Follow him here on Rumble at https://rumble.com/MichaeljPENNEY

Mostly Lies Verified


Everything you remember is . . . Mostly Lies. The comedy podcast where friends gather to swap stories with a healthy dose of dark humor. Who cares if the stories are completely true or not? We're friends here, shooting the breeze about life, current affairs, culture, & even the latest video games. To be honest, when you take a story out of context, everything becomes a bit . . . well, Mostly Lies. So, if you're looking for some out-of-the-box laughs & enjoy a dash of friendly ambiguity, then Mostly Lies is your jam & we're jelly. We can't promise factual accuracy, but we guarantee side-splitting & thought-provoking entertainment. L8R- DAZ

Almond Force


Almond Force is a team dedicated to providing the cyber security and IT community with training on different platforms and events such as CTFs, Hack the Box, TryHackMe, and more! The team's founder is Almond Milk, and we strive to grow enough to where we can release content as our full-time career. We would rather work independently and for the community and provide you all with our expertise and knowledge, rather than having to work that typical 9 to 5 shift that most people have to abide by (including ourselves for the time being).

Welcome to Regular Joe Travels! Please Subscribe to Rumble and YouTube! In 2022 we will focus mostly on Mexico. When the world opens up, we will travel all over!


Hello and welcome! Regular Joe is going on the road! I recently purchased a van to travel in. We are going coast to coast, Florida to Alaska, Mexico to Canada! I look forward to making many memories in this van and sharing them with you. From boondocking at a Cracker Barrel or stealth camping in random locations. I look forward sharing a nomadic life. I doesn’t stop there. I love to travel abroad and that is where we will have the most fun! Thank you for watching my content. Staying busy trying to be the best vlogger I can be makes life a lot easier on me and I'm very humbled by your attention. RegularJoeTravels.com RegularJoeTravels - Paypal RegularJoeTravels@gmail.com RegularJoeTravels - FB RegularJoeTravels - Instagram RegularJoeGo -Twitter RegularJoeTravels - Twitch Amazon wishlist for the channel: https://tinyurl.com/yzse5qoy Merch is available NOW: https://my-store-11573697.preview.teespring.com/ Regular Joe