The Eaves Drop London


Welcome To Our Bubble Infused With LOCAL STROLLS, ROUTES, EVENTS & VISTAS From Our Neighbourhood In LONDON And Beyond. There's Candour In The CHATS And Nectar In The BAKING. A Penchant For BROCANTES & UP-CYCLING. An Amateur GARDENING & ECHOES OF TIMELESS STYLE. As A Service To Humanity, We're Occasionally Not In The Way Of The View! Please Ignore The Occasional Out Of Sequence Episode Count In The Videos. Its……A Long Story. Grab A Cuppa, Kick Off Your Shoes And Join Us! We Look Forward To Keeping You Company Wherever You Are 🙏🏿

Almond Force


Almond Force is a team dedicated to providing the cyber security and IT community with training on different platforms and events such as CTFs, Hack the Box, TryHackMe, and more! The team's founder is Almond Milk, and we strive to grow enough to where we can release content as our full-time career. We would rather work independently and for the community and provide you all with our expertise and knowledge, rather than having to work that typical 9 to 5 shift that most people have to abide by (including ourselves for the time being).