HR Advisor 🧭 Executive Coach—Mental Health Techniques & Happiness Strategies


➼ I work with professionals to enhance mental well-being, build resilience, manage stress, and achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. ➡️ DM me for a 🖥️ consult! Transformational Leadership: Leveraging 30+ years of experience in personal and professional development, I cultivate environments that prioritize well-being and resilience within organizations, driving meaningful change. Expertise in Education and Training: As an educator at The University of Tennessee Center for Professional Education and Lifelong Learning and a course creator on the Learn Formula platform, I design engaging curricula that integrate storytelling, role play, and practical applications to enhance learning outcomes. Strategic Organizational Development: My leadership roles in various professional boards, including the merger of the Oak Ridge Human Resources Association and the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce, showcase my ability to shape and influence HR practices to meet community needs. Holistic Approach to Coaching: With a strong foundation in mental health therapy and counseling, I provide tailored coaching and management consultation that empowers individuals and organizations to foster happiness and achieve their goals.

Alecia At Home


Hello! I'm Alecia, I am so happy you stopped by and hope you enjoy your time here! I'm a Happy Homebody that loves pretty much all things creative. I embarked on this journey in the hopes that I can inspire you to live your most beautiful Creative life! Together, we will journey into Home Décor Inspo, Numerous DIY Projects, Crafting, Sewing, Thrift Flips and so much more! Thank you again for spending some time with me today! If you enjoyed your time here, Id love it if you'd consider subscribing & hit that notification bell so we don't miss out on more fun times together! Have a sweet & beautiful day! XOXO Alecia



Estamos DESDE 2014 no setor fotovoltaico com mais de 7000 vendas realizadas em nossa loja online em todo o Brasil. A Sollares Energia Solar - Cineshop, realiza vendas e instalações, as homologações são feitas por engenheiros associados indicados com CREA, e que são devidamente registrados no CREA de todo o Brasil. Somos uma empresa do Interior de São Paulo, referência em vendas no setor gerador fotovoltaico, atuando no mercado nacional exclusivamente em nosso site Com mais de 20 anos de atividades em outras áreas, possuímos parcerias com os maiores fabricantes no setor. Nosso canal no Youtube conta com mais de 8 milhões de visualizações em palestras e compartilhamento de conhecimento solar, Acesse e conheça nosso Youtube Sollares Energia Solar - Cineshop, é líder no setor fotovoltaico em todo Brasil SS DA SILVA ENERGIA SOLAR - CNPJ:19.769.658.0001-90

Mente y Energía


Bienvenid@ a MR. AWAKE, tu destino para emprender un viaje transformador hacia el despertar y la acción! Inspirados, nuestro objetivo es guiar a personas en todos los niveles de conciencia, desde el más profundo sueño hasta el pico de la iluminación. Aquí encontrarás contenido que no solo desafía el status quo, sino que también te equipa con las herramientas necesarias para liberarte de las cadenas que limitan tu potencial. Con un enfoque único que combina sabiduría ancestral y estrategias modernas, nos adentraremos en el corazón de temas que importan: desde la superación de obstáculos emocionales y espirituales hasta la DECODIFICACION DEL MUNDO QUE NOS RODEA a través de una perspectiva 'hacker conspiranoica'. Nuestra misión es liberar el mundo, una mente a la vez, promoviendo el crecimiento personal, el empoderamiento y la conciencia global.