Beacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"


Truths that will blow your mind expansion wide open & connect dots to lead you back to true Self! Uncensored forum Freedom of Speech!!! Tuesday night Tarot group New features for site members including private msg'ing, member look up list, & SMS notifications for posts, comments, msgs., & more! Free membership in the Pricing & Plans area of site! ( Soul Tribe Member) Come join the FORUM at my website! No Censorship, FREE, Find your Soul Tribe! Let's talk it all out :D . My other channel (Bigfoot/Paranormal Research ) Rumble . .. Bitchute . .. Community Forum EarthSong Lovecraft School of Thought website Facebook group Telegram group Instagram @earth.song777 Donations Contact info for personal readings, spiritual development etc. Now offering psychic readings via text or calls! With Extremely Competitive Pricing compared to ANY other online psychic service guaranteed! *** 3:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. EST*** Monday thru Sunday

Janna Breslin


I'm Janna Breslin, and I'm on a quest to define what freedom means to me. On this channel, we dive deep into self-sufficiency, and what it takes to live a self-sustaining lifestyle. I share my go-to holistic wellbeing practices and my approach to overcoming challenges of all kinds. If you ask me, doing the hard things is the only way to achieve real freedom and fulfillment. So join me in the relentless pursuit of growth - mental, physical, and emotional - as I find new ways to replenish my health, the health of people globally, and of our planet. This is about making life truly yours. So hit that subscribe button and together, we'll redefine what it means to live life on your terms. 🌿🌎 #GTFOutside #EarnYourFreedom

mavi ufoalarm


UFO Research Welcome Everyone ! To The Channel mavi 777 Latest Paranormal Events Around The World New And Hot Videos Of Aliens And UFOs! Subscribe Now! The footage found on this channel is in accordance with the US Copyright Law section 107 and constitutes fair use. Video footage is used with permission or falls under the Fair use Act as stated in section 106 and 106A, as these videos are used as news reporting and the purposes of criticism, comment, and review. E-Mail

Revista BR Economia


A Revista BR Economia busca analisar e apresentar dados econômicos do Brasil e do mundo, de forma prática e amigável ao público em geral. Somos independentes de todo e qualquer apoio político ou ideológico. Tendo a missão de divulgar a verdade em primeiro lugar, nossa equipe se dedica em construir sempre uma mídia ética, referência em imparcialidade. Nossa visão é aumentar a relevância e confiabilidade da Revista BR Economia em nível nacional, podendo servir como fonte para outros comunicadores. Verificar a veracidade de fatos; combater fake news; pesquisar e conferir informações, divulgadas pela pequena ou grande imprensa, são atributos que fazem parte de nossos valores. Acreditamos que todo acontecimento deve ser compreendido de modo aprofundado, considerando todos os fatores encontrados. Além disso, somos contra toda forma de escravidão e sofrimento, portanto, somos defensores incondicionais da liberdade e dos direitos humanos.