Pascal Najadi. Patriot Underground ~ Situation Update!
6,593 FollowersThank you for following the channel Pascal Najadi. Patriot Underground ~ Situation Update!
Thank you for following the channel Pascal Najadi. Patriot Underground ~ Situation Update!
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New Q. Pascal Najadi - JFK "Trump"
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videos de nueva consciencia, denuncia social, terapias complementarias, salud y bienestar
Benjamin Fulford. Pascal Najadi
A copulation of works that will educate, assist and/or encourage anyone involved with The Great Awakening towards a better understanding of our reality. ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at ======= Live Love! ======= And follow Red Pill Bait!
The place where the news is true AND REAL
Tällä kanavalla esitetään pääasiassa tekoälyllä käännettyjä videoita, jotka on poimittu suurimmaksi osaksi kanavilta, jotka on sensuroitu youtubesta tai muista globalistien hallitsemilta alustoilta. Joukkoon mahtuu myös youtuben kanavilta poimittua mutta vähemmissä määrin. Youtube kääntää (useimmiten) itse suomenkieleksi, joten käännösteksti saattaa olla youtuben kääntämää. Teemana videoalustalla on maailman tapahtumat ja ymmärrys sekä tietoisuus siitä että meille ei ole kerrottu lainkaan kaikkea mitä meille ihmiskunnalle olisi pitänyt kertoa jo aikaa sitten.
This is a space where I rant about Redpill topics and review pop culture.
In God We Trust. NOT Government! What a time to be alive! ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at ======= If not us, then who? If not now, then when? ======= Live Love! ======= And follow JAD's Comms!
Welcome to my community of like minded individuals that seek the truth. While headlines are black & white, the truth resides between that in the gray.
Official account of the smartest mathematician who ever lived. African-American-Indian
I'm a psychic knower, Intuitive Oracle reader, and seer and lifelong medium. I used to deny my abilities but not anymore and I started this channel as a safe space for people just like me and for those who are just curious and seeking to understand that beyond which our eyes can see. I'm a spiritual healer and light worker, and I just want to encourage others to be who they truly are and get in alignment to live their best lives. I'm also a writer and best-selling author, mainly of paranormal nonfiction. There's so much more to me than all of this, so check out my channel and my livestreams and contact me if you'd like to or if you have any questions. Love, light, and so many blessings to you. Always remember, kindness and love are the key. They're literally all that there is. Muahz
To Educate, Agitate and Motivate Africa and the African diaspora
Olá amados, me chamo Tullio Frescura e esse canal é dedicado a passar informações e atualizações para vocês mediante vídeos e podcast. Não quero convencer ninguém, apenas passar minha verdade, e quem sabe posso somar algo legal para seu dia. SERÁ UMA JORNADA FANTÁSTICA Então sem mais delongas, seja muito bem vindo e se inscreva no canal DIÁRIO QUÂNTICO! Canal no telegram:
A collection of video clips of news, events, movie & TV scenes, analysis and more. For viewing, sharing and content providers to copy. ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at ======= Live Love! ======= And follow JAD's Clips!
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