Divine Mother Earth Time
2,193 FollowersLaura Eisenhower and Marisa Acocella interview amazing guests and focus on healing, transformation and solutions in these incredible times of Great Awakening and a shift into Higher Earth energies.
Laura Eisenhower and Marisa Acocella interview amazing guests and focus on healing, transformation and solutions in these incredible times of Great Awakening and a shift into Higher Earth energies.
The Marians are a Congregation of more than 500 priests and brothers in 19 countries around the world. They support the Holy Father and embrace the official teachings of the Catholic Church in our special calling to: •Spread devotion to Mary as the Immaculate Conception. •Offer our lives for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially the victims of war and disease. •Operate publishing apostolates and assist where the need is greatest in parishes, shrines, schools and missions. •Official promoters of the authentic Divine Mercy message since 1941 Marian Helpers are men, women, moms, dads, grandparents, families, and even children who support the mission of the Marian Fathers in various ways. They are people who, maybe just like you, are looking for ways to belong to something that is doing great good in the Church and the world. Learn more at www.Marian.org
The Divine Light Holy Council are Court representatives for “We the People” and “All Life in God’s Creations” within this Universe and beyond as Decreed and Declared by this Highest Court. Email: divine.light.holy.council.777.888@gmail.com
Shifting to New Earth while awakening divinity within.
[LIVE] Gaming with Joaquin Clay
The Global Enlightenment Project’s purpose and mission is to uplift, heal and transform the lives of the billions of people living on the earth today through offering Divine Healing services/events and through the building of the Pyramid Healing Center.
Dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus, The Divine Mercy to the world.
World Currencies Resets
Watch live from the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi at Lycabettus hill, the Matins/Orthros and the Divine Liturgy. The Saint Isidoroi is a small cavernous Church of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens with daily sacrificial life, where the rock is lost in the Light and becomes a meeting place of the greatest Christian figures of the 4th century, the Cappadocian Fathers Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian with the young Ascetic, Nectarios of Pentapolis, Porphyrios of Kausokalyvitis and Nikolaos Planas. It is sculpted inside the largest cave of Lycabettus and unites the shadow of the distant capital with the sky. The cave functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. The Holy Cross dominates the Holy Temple which is located on the west side of Lycabettus Hill in Athens. The channel officially started operating in February 2020 and includes videos from Divine Liturgies, Speeches, Psalms etc.
Our philosophy of health rests in understanding that every building has a builder, every painting has a painter, and every design has a designer.
Our Videos
Masses, Rosaries, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily from the National Shrine in Stockbridge Massachusetts
Greetings, fellow travelers of the infinite. Welcome to Next Level Soul's Divine Encounters, a sanctuary where we delve into the profound mysteries that lie beyond the veil of our everyday existence. Here, we gather to explore Near Death Experiences, Spiritual Awakenings, and the extraordinary journeys that reveal the true nature of our souls. Imagine, if you will, stepping into a realm where the ordinary dissolves into the extraordinary, where the mundane transforms into the mystical. Through captivating stories and insightful conversations, we journey together into the depths of the human spirit, touching the divine and glimpsing the beyond. Each encounter is a dance with the eternal, a reminder that we are more than mere bodies navigating the material world. We are souls on a boundless journey, ever seeking, ever discovering. Join us, subscribe, and let us traverse these sacred pathways together. Your awakening awaits in the heart of Divine Encounters. www.nextlevelsoul.com/divine-encounters
Relaxing music is a genre of music that is specifically designed to help listeners relax and unwind. It is often characterized by slow tempos, soft melodies, and soothing harmonies. The instruments used in relaxing music are often acoustic, such as pianos, guitars, and strings, but electronic instruments can also be used to create a relaxing soundscape. Relaxing music can be instrumental or include vocals, but the lyrics, if present, are often simple and repetitive. I understand that life can be hectic and stressful at times, and it can be hard to find a moment of peace and quiet. That's why I created this channel. I hope that my soothing music and visually stunning videos will help you to unwind and find your comfort zone. Whether you're looking to relax after a long day or to get a better night's sleep, I believe that my channel can help. Welcome @divine-sounds, I am looking forward to your journey of relaxation and tranquility with me.
Cousin Vinny here. (Divine Disruptor System Buster) This channel is to open a channel of recovery. we must *Innerstand, before we can heal. I am one of 4.8 billion Star-seeds. Light-Workers, and Old Souls. We came here to help with the Disclosure, Awakening, Recovery, and Rebuilding of Gaia, Humanity, and The Golden Rose Galaxy. I do not know hoe the heck all this technology works, So Please bear with me, as I self-teach myself how all this works.
English contents on the Gift of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Living in the Divine Will\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' - Fiat
Join us as we dive deep into today’s modern topics discussing prophetic insights, share spiritual encounters, and unravel the mysteries of today's world while using Biblical prophecies. Let's come together to seek wisdom, inspire one another, and grow in our understanding of the divine. Join us on this extraordinary journey
Divine Light Codes™ is a global healing haven for awakening Starseeds and light workers on their ascension journey. The founder Cheri Arellano is a multi-dimensional healer, artist, and alchemist. She shines a light on the higher purpose of her clients and assists them in overcoming incarnation challenges so they can fulfill their life’s mission. Her potent Divine Light Codes illuminate the path toward freedom, joy, and higher consciousness. Divine Light Codes is the ultimate vessel of Cheri’s life work. Learn more at DivineLightCodes.com.
Welcome to Divine Justice. On our channel, we primarily produce content in the style of review-reporting on the Russia-Ukraine tension. In addition, we aim to present to you the political-political developments in the hexagon of Israel, the USA, Turkey, France, United Kingdom and China as quickly as possible. If you follow us, it is impossible to lag behind the world agenda. You can support us by subscribin
The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was born in 1896 in Calcutta, India. He first met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami, in Calcutta in 1922. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, a prominent devotional scholar and the founder of sixty-four branches of Gaudiya Mathas (Vedic institutes), liked this educated young man and convinced him to dedicate his life to teaching Vedic knowledge in the Western world. Srila Prabhupada became his student, and eleven years later (1933) at Allahabad, he became his formally initiated disciple
Dive into a frequency of flow & love. Exhale fear & doubt. As we step out of the restraints of time. Welcome to Twin Flame Divine Fire.
Watch and listen to the life of God working and flowing through the life of a true born again believer. You have see it for yourself so you might in Jesus Christ for yourself.
Together we Rise, Synchronized we Thrive!
What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21) “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons” (Mathew 10:8)
AV 23-06-2023-LA RISONANZA SCHUMANN . 🛸🛸 La risonanza Schumann viene spiegata nelle trasmissioni dei Pleiadiani Schumann. Saranno riposate quindi tutte le trasmissioni inerenti all'Evento , si prega di ascoltare i messaggi se volete capire di più cosa e successo nel periodo 2018-2023 Nella fase di ascensione infatti la frequenza di Schumann incomincio a raggiungere picchi di 40-100 hz fino a raggiungere -158 HZ , il 6 Dicembre 2019 , Arrivati quindi a tale frequenza , l'oscurità mette in moto un piano , abbassare di nuovo la frequenza rimodulando il DNA attraverso la corona ad uno stato delta , ovvero 7,5 max hz . Lo hanno fatto attraverso le trasmissioni di paura per tv radio supermercati , infatti la gente si ammalava per credenza che fuori c'era qualcosa di brutto, di conseguenza e avvenuta una battaglia , hanno provato a privarci delle nostre cose , L'AMORE per esempio , dovevamo stare distanti bucarci imbavagliarci perché cerano semi stellari incarnati con un DNA che risuonava più alto e quindi stato asceso (scacco matto), infatti in mezzo a questa battaglia la risonanza non superava più picchi alti la gente aveva paura ,(meta 2020 calo) erano entrati anche incontraddizione con il mio canale , mi dicevano se fuori ce morte i messaggi non sono veri , hanno interrotto cosi ascensione 4 anni fa , ma noi semi stellari galattici non abbiamo rinunciato al grande tesoro siamo andati avanti a combattere e infatti noi stavamo bene fuori il cielo faceva uscire il sole e d'eravamo assenti da programmazioni , fino ad OGGI , si potete vedere quelle onde speciali nel grafico oggi come sintomo di un cambio DNA da carbonio a cristallino , 2023 la carta verde come tutto il male e stato abolito , credetemi adesso CREDILO !!!!! BENVENUTI IN 5D ABBIAMO STRAVINTO , CI SIAMO LAUREATI IN MATERIA E IN AMORE . GRAZIE UNO ! DOVE ANDIAMO 1 ANDIAMO TUTTI🤩🎁🛸🛸🎁🛸🛸🎁🎁🛸🎁🎁🎁🛸🎁🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 PS ci tengo infinitamente che tutto il mio lavoro svolto dal 2018 e on line , NON DOVETE PRIVARVI DI QUELLO CHE NON SAPETE QUINDI E GIUSTO CHE IL MIO LAVORO SIA CON VOI , Purtroppo youtube non ha amato il mio lavoro nonostante il canale piaceva alla gente e mi a sfrattato di casa 4 volte , oggi e per questo che non creo un altro canale sul tubo MA HO LA FORTUNA DI RIPRESENTARVI TUTTO IN UN ALTRO SPAZIO ----- CANALE Risonanze Schumann FASE DI ASCENSIONE IN VIDEO (RIMOSSI) E MESSA INSIEME DEL PAZEL VI AMO ! BUON LAVORO https://rumble.com/c/c-3330100 ANCORA UNA COSA NOI DICEVAMO CHE STAVA ACCADENDO QUALCOSA DI MAESTOSO , GLI OSCURI INVECE FACEVANO IL CONTRARIO , NOI INTENDO COME TRASMISSIONI SOTTO LA GUIDA DEL COMANDANTE ASTHAR E I PLEIADIANI , NON MI STO INVENTANDO NULLA , ANCHE ADESSO CHE SCRIVO ANCHE SE CON ERRORI ....MA HO FRETTA DI RIFARVI ASCOLTARE TUTTO CAPITE ....MI AUGURO DI SI QUINDI RIMANETE COLLEGATI NELLA PAGINA VISTO CHE NON AVETE LE NOTIFICHE DI RUMBLE , QUALSIASI COSA SONO QUI MA SE QUI MI SFRATTANO SONO SU RUMBLE SICURO LI RIMANE TUTTO ... A BRACCIA APERTE CI HANNO ACCOLTO... ANCHE ATON 🤩 COMANDANTE CAPO DIETRO A TUTTO , SEMPRE SOTTO LE SUE ALI ... SALUUUU ----- 169343 SIGNIFICA AMORE LIQUIDO . AMOREVOLE CONCENTRATO CALMO CENTRATO AL MEGLIO CHE POSSIAMO , SEMPRE NEL POSTO GIUSTO AL MOMENTO GIUSTO !
Divine Feminine Warrior Of Light, Oracular Priestess Of The Golden Age, Ordained Minister, Former Las Vegas Burlesque Headliner, Former SAG/AFTRA Actress Fully Focused On The Mission of Grounding In NEW EARTH CODES! JOY, LOVE & HEAVEN On Earth Is Our Birthright! I am here as priestess of The GOLDEN AGE to speak TRUTH on behalf of The Divine HOLY MOTHER GODDESS, DIVINE MASCULINE, ELDERS & STARCHILDREN! WE ARE HERE TO RISE THE NEW EARTH TOGETHER!
Motivational channel
Metaphysical guidance, support, insight and Training for your Ascension Journey. Tammy is a Spiritual Teacher and Light Metaphysician who specialises in assisting those on their journey of Light.
(Mary Most Holy:) Dearest child, I feel the irresistible need to descend from Heaven to make you my maternal visits. If you assure Me of your filial love and faithfulness, I will remain always with you in your soul, to be your teacher, model, example and most tender Mother. I come to invite you to enter into the Kingdom of your Mama – that is, the Kingdom of the Divine Will; and I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to Me. You know? With my own hands I bring you this book as gift; I offer it to you with maternal care, so that, in your turn, in reading it, you may learn to live of Heaven and no longer of earth. This book is pure gold, my child. It will form your spiritual fortune, your happiness, also terrestrial. In it you will find the fount of all goods: if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if you are tempted, you will achieve victory; if you have fallen into sin, you will find the pitying and powerful hand that will lift you up again. If you feel afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the safe means to get warm; if hungry, you will enjoy the delicious food of the Divine Will.
Honestly... I just like to talk & help people. ♡Patreon: Conscious X & Divine Sadé ♡Cash App: $JXSTSADE ♡ IG: @Divinesade_ ♡ Husbands Channel: Conscious X Unapologetically Be yourself, love yourself. Your a universe in a vessel
We have been given a divine design and that spiritual DNA is empowered and activated by our Divine Designer—Christ.
A Channel Solely to Facilitate the Ascension of the Soul to the Divine Realm of Majesty & Beauty. From The Beginning Of Time Up Until Current Time Divinity Has Always Existed. Whether You Believe In Any God Or No God, Whether You Believe In Any Prophecy Or No Prophecy The Source Is The Same, The Creator Is One. For Business Enquiries Contact: Gohar Raza. +44-161-870-2223 +44-740-704-8009
Wonderful videos from cities around the world.
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in learning more about the exciting modalities I offer to help you connect more deeply with YOU. In this channel learn more about the power of holistic self healing through Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy (A.U.R.A.) and Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing. (R.A.A.H.). ♥️ Looking to book a session? For details on my services and prices visit my website: https://divinealchemy.life/
Welcome to Time to be Divine, the ultimate channel for all things beauty! this channel is your go-to source for the latest beauty tips, in-depth tutorials, and a dose of fun content to make your beauty routine more enjoyable and effective.
A forum for ideas and dialogue
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