Since the 1980s, patients have been reporting extreme experiences of violence within occult contexts. Therapists have discovered ritual abuse involving human sacrifices, child abuse, snuff films, and consciousness splitting. The public became aware of this phenomenon, but perpetrator circles launched a campaign to dismiss it as "Satanic Panic." Nonetheless, survivors persevered, networking and speaking out. The "50 Voices of Ritual Abuse" project aims to debunk this perpetrator propaganda. 50 survivors worldwide are sharing their experiences to expose the reality of ritual abuse and mind control. Please support spreading the truth. Project launched in August 2023, with weekly testimonies on various platforms.

Finding Freedom: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.


Meditations for Narcissistic Abuse is a channel dedicated to helping those who have experienced the trauma of narcissistic abuse find inner peace and healing. We offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices tailored specifically for this journey. Our goal is to empower victims of narcissistic abuse to reclaim their power and break the cycle of abuse. Each video is carefully crafted to promote self-compassion, self-empowerment, and healing. With a focus on providing accessible and supportive resources, we believe that meditation can be a powerful tool for recovery. Join us on this journey and subscribe for weekly meditations. Let us help you find the strength and resilience to move forward on your path to healing. Together, we can make a difference.

Communist Repression in Cuba


🇨🇺🚨| Our mission is to compile as many cases of human rights violations and police/ state brutality against the Cuban people by the Castro dictatorship since 1959 and thus bring awareness and solidarity to the Cuban people. We want a #FreeCuba | #Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliceBrutality #CommunismKills #ElCambioEsYa🌻 Nuestra misión es recopilar casos de violaciones de derechos humanos, represión y violencia policial en Cuba para mostrarle al mundo que nuestro país vive bajo una dictadura brutal de 61 años. Queremos libertad para Cuba y que los opresores vayan a corte y sean juzgados. Tw: @CubaPoliceAbuse IG: @CubaPoliceAbuse FB: CubaPoliceAbuse https://www.youtube.com/c/CubaPoliceAbusePNR/featured

Taylor Swift Musical albums, videos, songs and lyrics


Taylor Swift\'s seventh studio album Lover is not only the top-selling album of 2019; it is the highest selling album since reputation was released back in 2017 and broke the record for most simultaneous entries by a female artist in Billboard\'s Hot 100 history with all 18 tracks from Lover charting! This is a testament not only to her devoted fans but also to her songwriting prowess. As USA Today said, "Critics are falling in love with Taylor Swift\'s latest album Lover." Rolling Stone hailed, "Lover is a career-topping masterpiece" and "the superstar\'s writing is better than it\'s ever been" while A.V. Club called Lover, "one of her strongest, most relatable albums to date" and Vulture said, "The old Taylor is back on Lover and the best she\'s been in years." Swift recently released the title track, "Lover," with critics raving, "Both aching and achingly pretty, "Lover" effectively transmits its romantic signals by putting the songwriting of Swift -- a masterful writer who gets the solo credit here -- front and center" (Billboard Magazine) while People Magazine said "Lover" "Might be her most romantic song yet." Taylor\'s socially conscious 2nd single, "You Need To Calm Down," follows the debut single "ME!," which broke multiple records to date. With 65.2 million views in 24 hours, Swift now holds YouTube\'s most viewed video by any female and solo artist. "ME!" is also the fastest music video to reach 100M views on Vevo (in only 79 hours) and broke the record for the most views in a single day by any artist. In addition to "ME!" and "You Need To Calm Down," Swift is a ten-time Grammy winner, a singer, songwriter, musician and producer. She is the youngest person in history to win the music industry\'s highest honor, the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, and is the first female solo artist to win this prestigious award twice. Rolling Stone listed Swift as one of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time. Time magazine featured her on their prestigious 2017 Person of the Year cover, has named her one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world and included her three times at TIME 100. A Brit and Emmy award winner, Swift is Billboard\'s youngest-ever Woman of the Year and the only artist to have been awarded this honor twice. She is the only artist in history to have four consecutive albums sell over one million copies in their week of release (Speak Now, RED, 1989 and reputation) and the only female artist to have six albums each sell at least 500,000 copies in a single week (Fearless, Speak Now, RED, 1989, reputation and Lover).



Was THAT attempted murder? As a targeted senior I was refused admission in the North Bay Hospital emergency twice. The only I was able to get admitted was our police Service escorting me and staying with me until a doctor attended. The police had to break my front door down as opposed to calling an undertaker which I appreciated. I was hospitalized over two months and was haemorrhaging in the stomach and the bladder, and the kidney and I had lost 86 pounds in a short window. It is scandleess that the nurse who refused me admission is still working at the North Bay Hospital (NBRHC). That's how cocky the system has become.You will View much more shocking eye openers in the other movies So I became an advocate for abused targeted senior citizens. THIS HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A HEART BREAKING TRUE STORY. It has brought tears to some adult men Viewers.. For five years I have personally been crucified by a whole Army of tax paid HEALTH CARE BULLIES who execute the wishes and expectations of the punitive Ontario PC government. You are going to VIEW the truth exposed in this and several other upcoming EYE OPENER MOVIES. Like me you may wonder if some of these so-called care coordinators are masochist oriented? CarePartners, who is an employer of caregivers and nurses is solely owned by a non-Canadian investor living in China. Do you think he cares about Canadian senior citizens? In just 16 days 32 HEALTHY doctors all under 50 yers old suddenly dropped dead. All had taken the "JAB". (Forced on them by government) or be terminated.) Should they have just quit work IN CANADA? AGAIN I AM HUMBLY BEGGING PREMIER DOUG FORD TO #1 LAUNCH AN UNBIASED INVESTIGATION OF THE SICK HEALTH bored SYSTEM IN NORTH BAY and 2 EXPLAIN WHY EVERY CARE COORDINATOR IS ARMED WITH UNLIMITED POWER AND ACCOUNTABLE TO NOBODY?