Prepared Airman official


This ls a channel based all on my current knowledge, my opinion and of my hobbies. Mainly outdoor equipment military gear and cars.This experience comes from 10 years of Active duty with several deployments, Eagle Scout with 11 years of Scouting. Along with years of hunting and fishing. Dont expect hard core super professional videos here I am just wanting to educate and have fun. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. Application ID is #1210553.

Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation


Welcome to Our Duty Canada- Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation. We believe that no child can consent to off-label chemical hormones and permanent surgical procedures. It is our duty to inform and support parents, to work toward increasing public knowledge and to pressure our socio-medical-political system into conducting itself from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada with their once trusted medical and mental health bodies, schools, media and their government acting as catalysts for their desire and ease in accessing these experimental treatments. We are proud to represent Our Duty as we build this Canadian Chapter.

Extransgenderpastor Reverend Edmund Smith


Real Love Ministry (RLM) is a ministry and church that reaches out to Marginalized Community (homosexuals, deaf individuals and others). Our centre and church is located at 1-32 & 3-32, PM6, Plaza Mahkota, Melaka, Malaysia. Our primary CALLING is to equip and train Befrienders for the Marginalized Community. For more information, Pastor Edmund Smith who is based in Malacca can be contacted via his email address is at –