Leonardo Botelho Estrela


Leonardo Botelho Estrela é Coach, Palestrante, Mentor, Consultor de Resultados e Autor, com formação reconhecida pelos institutos: - NASBA - National Association of State Boards of Accountamcy (Registry ID nº 140.940); - HRCI - HR Certification Institute (Provider ID nº 604.152),; - PMI - Project Management Institute Inc. (ID nº 4.101); - SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management (Registry ID nº RP4.455); - Southern Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming e Societ of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Richard Bandler (Registry ID Nº SP0111 e 99POT004MP). Desde 1999 atuando em eventos de transformação pessoal ou empresarial.

Mood Alleviate Music for Relaxation


One such innovative way to reduce stress is listening to relaxing music. Generally, music that has a slow tempo can help calm your mind and help your muscles relax. However, various sounds of nature like flowing water or chirping birds can have a similar relaxing effect as well Benefit of relaxing music :In healthy adults, too, research has shown that listening to relaxing music reduces feelings of anxiety, as well as the physical symptoms that accompany anxiety, including elevated blood pressure and heart rate and nervous system arousal Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.