The Way Back (w/ Mark Zaretti) Verified


Hi I'm Mark and welcome to The Way Back's Rumble Channel, home of our weekly Thursday 9pm Spiritual Discussion Live Show. The Way Back Group Ltd is a registered not-for-profit company established in 2018 based in the UK. I co-founded The Way Back to share spiritual inspiration, guidance, truth, and importantly support. We produce a weekly live show, podcasts, articles, books, videos, and even documentaries to help support positive, kind and spiritually awake people, just like you. I'm spiritual author Mark Zaretti and I invite you to enjoy our videos, like, comment and subscribe. Please do share with your friends and loved ones because we believe in helping the world to be a better place by sharing down to earth and practical spiritual guidance and inspiration, that can be put into practice with ease. Most importantly we want to help you to get the most out of your life and spiritual journey. Is it possible to have faith in something greater in your life without being religious? What is The Source, God and is it something that we can have in our lives without the shackles of religion? Is there more to life than just this physical existence? Join us as we shed light on important topics and hopefully make more sense of life, one video at a time. - I'll see you at the next live show! Mark

Be Not Afraid with Carob Marcelle


I will never forget the heroes of the American Civil Rights movement, the suffering they went through, the fighting the RISING Above. These true hero’s went through so much to just have THE OPPORTUNITY that others so easily dismissed. Today that work seems easily tossed away by those who do not know history. This channel is in part tribute and in part warning. We face now a different war, one in which all that was worked for lies in the balance. One in which people do not think as individuals but instead as collective. We often fail to see the good in each other, dismissing those who don’t agree as invalid, inessential. This channel will have interviews, information and personal incites. On those things that make us as individuals and our country exceptional. This is my attempt to do what I can with what I have where I am at.. Postmodernism states the only truth is POWER. I don’t subscribe to that.