Walk with Yah


Walk with Yah (WWY) is mainly a Sanctification / Restoration / Deliverance ministry that focuses on 1) removing spiritual demonic oppression, 2) teaching on the various aspects of spiritual warfare, and 3) teaching how to \'walk with Yah\' or in other words how to live as directed by the Bible (i.e. halakah) to maximize blessings through biblical character and to minimize the need for further deliverance ministry. WWY wants to set disciples free to do what they were called to do for Yah\'s / God\'s Kingdom - to reach the destiny Yah / Elohim / God has intended for them.

Yah's Way TV - Dr Dan Merrick


Dr. Daniel Merrick is a Messianic Jew who has a passion for the truth from his Hebrew perspective of scriptures. Weekly at 1PM Eastern USA time on Thursdays Dr. Dan broadcasts of Yah’s Way TV on https://TheNowNetwork.org to 236 Million TV screens worldwide cable and satalite viewers. A potential of over 1 to 3 Billion viewers including apps. Dan has worked in ministry for over 30 years and pastors’ the Congregation Yahshua Messiah Gathering – UCCMA. In 1993 Dan published his music album entitled “Aliyah” and began work in missions in Ukraine which launched his ministry after service in the US Army. Dan has worked in various types of ministry for over 30 years with his syndicated “FAITH RADIO” show and has appeared on Cornerstone Christain Television “His Palce” and TCT “I’m Just Sayin” as well as numerous radio and TV programs. Dr. Merrick is a retired US Army Captain working with foreign missions and evangelistic outreach through CYMG UCCMA. (501C3 and 509a2 IRS registed)

Faithful Servant of Yah

1 Follower

I believe that Yah as established His name forever in the Earth and his word shall never pass away, all when heaven and Earth as pass, his words are forever. Yah sent his only begotten and loved son to the earth to be the ultimate sacrifice for sin. He saw it fit that we should reign with him, but He will not force us to accept his free gift to life, the choice is ours, but the wrong choice of not accepting His free gift will lead to death with no hope, while accepting His free gift will lead to life. Accept the savior now before its too late. Be a faithful servant of the Yahushua Ha Mashiach John 3:16: For Yah so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Matthew 24:45-46: 45. “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? 46. Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.

Yak Laughter by Coram Parker

1 Follower

Yak Laughter is an ongoing web-serialized fantasy novel written and read by Coram Parker. The podcast is produced by Canon Parker. Read the full text now on yaklaughter.com. SYNOPSIS Ezmeralda Totkins leads an ordinary life—right up until the day her seven-year-old son, Wilburn, discovers magic, nearly killing himself in the process, and accidentally provoking the wrath of a swarm of giant psychic hornets, who descend upon Ez's cottage like a crusading army, hell-bent on murdering the boy. In the time it takes a pot of soup to cook, both Ez's cottage and her understanding of reality are demolished. I won't tell you how Ez and Wilburn get out of that scrape; they do, of course, or else the story would be over. And it's only just begun. Magic, Ez learns, is a hereditary talent. Well, Wilburn didn't get it from her. Jack, Ez's late love, the father Wilburn never met, was a wizard. Ez never knew. She never guessed magic was real, much less that Jack himself... How could the person Ez had trusted beyond all others have kept such a profound secret from her? A secret not only about himself, but the fundamental nature of the universe? If only Jack was still alive so she could ask him... and possibly kick him in the groin. Instead, Ez must rely on Gramma Fark, Jack's mother, Ez's NOT-mother-in-law, for answers, answers to questions like, "How did jack REALLY die?" and, "Is some kind of evil hornet god controlling my son's mind?" And, gentle reader, just wait until you meet Master Iddolorious "Iddo" Bungflower of Frogswallow's College of Metaphysical Arts. All Iddo wants to do is drink beer and write million-page dissertations on "the non-being of un-being." Unfortunately, he's the most powerful magician in the world, which comes with some responsibilities. Whether or not he's up to those responsibilities is a matter of debate; for many, including Gramma Fark, believe that Iddo is insane. Oh yeah, and he's a yak. Imagine Harry Potter written at an adult level, then toss that in a blender with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and A Confederacy of Dunces, sprinkle in a dash of Pynchonian psychedelia, and voilá: Yak Laughter. ©Coram Parker, Coram LLC. All rights reserved.

the truth hurts! but YAH heals!!


“There is no reason why hypocrisy, the disease of the day, should come so naturally to men. But which of you is not contaminated by it? How many of you are self-deceivers, making excuses for these things? How is it you can readily detect the small faults in others while being absolutely blind to your own much greater ones? How can you say to another, ‘Let me help you see more clearly,’ when you are practically blind yourself? You, hypocrites and self-deceivers, first examine your own faults and failings before criticizing those of others.” Book of Natsarim, Chapter 9 - 53