CassaiyanGaming Verified


Gaming/Art channel | Christianity discussions Welcome to CassaiyanGaming! I’m a passionate fan celebrating the Dragon Ball universe through gaming, reactions, and commentary. The term ‘Saiyan’ and all Dragon Ball themes, characters, and content featured here are the intellectual property of Toei Animation, Shueisha, and their respective rights holders—I claim no ownership. My channel is a non-commercial tribute to this iconic franchise, created under fair use principles to share my love for it with fellow fans. For official Dragon Ball content, check out platforms like Crunchyroll. Questions? Reach me at

Barbara O'Neill en español


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro canal de Rumble dedicado al bienestar y la salud natural! 🌿🌞 En este espacio, nos complace presentarles un proyecto especial en el que traducimos, doblamos con IA y compartimos en español las enseñanzas y la sabiduría de una renombrada naturópata y conferencista australiana, Bárbara O'Neill. Nuestra misión es brindar acceso a valiosos conocimientos sobre remedios naturales y prácticas para el cuidado del cuerpo a los hispanohablantes, con el objetivo de fomentar la prevención de enfermedades y el fortalecimiento de la salud integral. Acompáñenos en este emocionante viaje hacia un estilo de vida más saludable y armonioso. Aquí encontrarán información relevante, consejos prácticos y perspectivas enriquecedoras sobre cómo prevenir enfermedades y optimizar su bienestar. ¡Únanse a nuestra comunidad y descubran cómo pueden incorporar hábitos saludables y naturales en sus vidas diarias! ¡Vamos juntos hacia un futuro más brillante y saludable! 🌱✨

Language with Chu


Welcome to this channel! My name is Juliana Barembuem (but everyone calls me Chu). As an interpreter, translator, language teacher and linguist, I want to share some things I learned over the years, which I think may be of interest to you. Being completely fluent in Spanish (mother tongue), French and English, and able to converse in Russian, Chinese and Danish, I have the possibility to compare languages and make learning them easier. Language is one of the things that make us human, and as such, it is one of the main things we all have in common. It permeates through all areas of our lives, including who we are and how we view the world. That is why in this channel I choose to talk about anything that is directly or indirectly linked to language, from psychology to history, through sounds, grammar, thoughts and reality, comparative linguistics, translation and interpretation, language and identity, and much more! Stay tuned, and don\\\'t hesitate to ask questions!