ISTINA - to je ono u šta je teško poverovati


Prema legendi iz 19. veka: Istina i Laž se jednog dana sretnu. Laž govori Istini: "Danas je divan dan!". Istina pogleda put neba i uzdahnu, jer je dan zaista bio divan. Provedoše dosta vremena zajedno i na kraju prođoše kraj jednog bunara. Laž opet reče istini: "Voda je prelepa, dođi zajedno da se kupamo". Istina, pomalo sumnjičava, dotače vodu i osjeti da je stvarno prijatna. Pristade i Istina i Laž se počnu kupati zajedno. Odjednom, Laž iskoči iz vode, obuče odjeću Istine i pobježe. Bijesna Istina izađe iz bunara i poče da traži Laž da povrati svoju odjeću. Tražila je Laž po čitavom svijetu. A svijet, gledajući Istinu golu, skreće pogled sa prezirom i bijesom. Jadna Istina se vrati u bunar i zauvijek nestade u njemu skrivajući svoju sramotu. Od tada Laž putuje po cijelom svijetu, obučena kao Istina, zadovoljavajući potrebe društva, jer u svakom slučaju svijet nema nikakvu želju da upozna golu Istinu.

we makes funny video.


Funny videos are a delightful form of entertainment that never fails to bring joy and laughter to our lives. These short clips or longer compilations capture humorous moments, pranks, fails, and comedic situations that tickle our funny bones. Whether it's a cute animal doing something unexpected, people's hilarious reactions, or cleverly scripted comedy sketches, funny videos come in various flavors to suit everyone's sense of humor. They provide a much-needed escape from the daily grind and serve as a universal language of laughter, connecting people worldwide through shared amusement. So, if you're ever in need of a good laugh, funny videos are just a click away to brighten your day!

Business Coaching for In-home Service Providers


Running a small business is not an easy task, is it? Especially for a owner operator who often times is wearing all the hats at the same time! Most of the time you are out sell your product/services or trying to drum up more business, which you should be. So when are you taking care of your books, accounts receivable, accounts payable, human resources, marketing, etc. etc.? If you are like most small business owners, you know your product or service front to back, but when it comes to the business side of things, you could use a little help! Having a clear understanding and the right systems within your business can be the difference between your dream you set out to achieve and a living nightmare where their business runs you! Most small businesses rely on the economy instead of creating their own economy!