Wandering Wolf


My name is Michael Collins & I travel the world with a focus on ancient sites, discovering new ancient clues & locations, showing you how to visit yourself as well as documenting the experience along the way. I am glad you found your way here! I couldn't do what I do w/o the support of an incredible team, past & present - Present: Editor/Script Writing/Channel Manager/360vr/Camera/Drone: Austin Smith - Insta@leevluvlaf Editor/Script Writing: Ethan McCarthy Editor/Script Writing: Daniel Kintz - www.kintzmedia.com Past: Editor/Script Writing/Channel Manager/Camera/Drone: Tim Leftwich - Insta@tim_leftwich Editor: McKinley Argyle - Insta@mckinleyargyle Editor/Script Writing: Tatum Ostos - Insta@tatumostos Other Wandering Wolf Productions content: Wandering Wolf Travel (Travel, Stays, Food and How To) https://www.youtube.com/@WanderingWolfTravel & Wandering Wolf Chill (Chill Music Playlists and Livestreams) https://www.youtube.com/@WanderingWolfChill

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. -Psalms 139:14 These are videos I have found to be useful for keeping your body healthy and functioning properly - and allowing it to work the way the creator designed. These videos are for purely educational purposes, and you should always consult your doctor first. WARNING: These videos may NOT all be from Christian sources - so please use discernment! I am sharing mainly for the medical information contained in them.