The Mel K Show Verified


Mel K is a devoted lover of truth, facts, history, God, and America. After growing up in a tight-knit family outside of Philadelphia, Mel graduated with honors from New York University with concentrations in journalism and film. Mel went on to spend 20 years working in film, television, and investigative journalism in Hollywood before moving back to New York City to focus full time on The Mel K Show, where she exposes the truth and explores our hidden history. The Mel K Show is laser-focused on educating and informing the public about the malevolent, geopolitical forces that are hell-bent on achieving their goal of ending nation-states and self-determination of free peoples for top-down global governance. Through strategic alignments with deceptively named associations and non-governmental organizations, these globalists seek to replace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with surveillance, compliance, conformity, and control. In exposing the true nature and agendas of the enemies of freedom and justice, Mel seeks to find unity and strength among people worldwide. Together, we will put personal liberty, national sovereignty, and the inalienable rights of all people first, now and forever.

The History Guy: History Deserves to be Remembered Verified


If you love history, this is the channel for you. The History Guy presents stories of forgotten history about five to fifteen minutes long. Topics range from aviation history to forgotten battles, historical figures and more from around the world. Here\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a feature story about the channel and The History Guy if you want to learn more:

The Mexican Family


En éste canal encontrarás una manera sencilla de entender qué ocurre en el mundo y por qué. Esta es nuestra forma de crear contenido de valor que marque una tendencia y con la que todos aprendamos cosas nuevas y veamos al mundo con otra perspectiva, con la del conocimiento. Finalmente, nos gusta pensar que con nuestro contenido podemos aportar un granito de arena para que nuestra comunidad hispana se entere de los sucesos más importantes y también que el mundo comprenda lo mucho que aportamos a Estados Unidos, Canadá y cualquier país del mundo. Gracias por suscribirte y por apoyar a nuestro canal. The Mexican Family

Remedies 4 You Verified


I like to share empowering remedies and secrets that are not widely known in the health niche as well as other aspects of life. I also share the truth about what is going on in the world that people may call conspiracy theories but are conspiracy facts. When the cabal tell you what they are doing it's on you if you don't take it to heart. The new world order is taking place as we speak. If we don't do something about these demonic forces soon we are doomed and it may actually be too late to save humanity because too many people have drank the koolaid and the mark of the beast is real. If you aren't scared at this point nothing can scare you. I am more pissed off than anything. I hope you are prepared. I will continue to share whatever information I find to be helpful because we will need as many people as possible to survive to save humanity. This is not a test people.