Bakwaas Na Kar Films !

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Welcome to [Bakwaas na Kar films] - where laughter is our currency and comedy is our mission! Join our fantastic foursome on a hilariously entertaining journey filled with laughter, pranks, and uproarious moments that will tickle your funny bone like never before. Our squad of witty and zany guys is here to bring a smile to your face with their rib-tickling antics, crazy challenges, and sidesplitting sketches. From relatable everyday situations to off-the-wall experiments, we're all about spreading joy and spreading the giggles. Whether it's our outrageous adventures, humorous parodies, or just our good old-fashioned tomfoolery, we promise to keep you entertained, one laugh at a time. So, hit that subscribe button, ring the notification bell, and get ready to dive into a world of limitless hilarity with [Bakwaas na kar]. Join us, and together, let's turn every day into a laughter-filled fiesta!" #funny #funnyvideo #boys #crazycomedy

Dott.ssa Justyna Kwasniewicz


Dott.ssa Justyna Kwasniewicz Medico olistico con 20 anni di esperienza; Ricercatrice indipendente in campo delle Scienze della Salute; Specialista in Medicina Alternativa e Naturale; Medico igienista; Esperta in digiunoterapia; Nutrizionista accreditata CTAA; Personal trainer certificata AICS; Istruttrice fitness per il dimagrimento con certificato CPD; Istruttrice yoga e pilates certificata da parte di Fab Academy con sede a California, USA; Operatrice in discipline olistiche e bio naturali, iscritta a CSEN e SIAF italiana nazionale; Autrice internazionale di libri su salute, nutrizione e uno sano stile di vita.