My adventures learning about the Flipper Zero and accessories


Welcome to my channel documenting my journey learning to work with small electronic projects like Arduino, riding motorcycles, and jailbreaking game consoles! I recently purchased a Flipper Zero, and have been amazed by the potential of this tool. I'm recording various experiments to share my experiences and invite others to join me in exploring the fascinating possibilities of the Flipper Zero. Join me in my exploration and subscribe to the channel if you find it interesting!

Teachings on the Laws of Mind - Flip Your World Your Way


Throughout time and space we have been left nuggets to help guide us in our journey of life. This - all of it - is about Humanity and humanity is made up of individuals. The story of Science is just another way of telling the story in the Bible - the story of Humanity and in turn each one of us individually. It\'s so big you can\'t see it - you are in the thick of it. Cutting down the trees to see the forest. This is all a mind game. Learn the Principles behind it all and make it As You Wish. They were called Followers of the Way. There is only one way - yours! Come learn all about it - if you dare.

Flipside Christian Church


Welcome to Flipside Christian Church with Pastor Karl Roth! Here, we dive deep into every book of the Bible, talking about the good stuff—like grace and faith—but also the harder things we sometimes need to hear. Pastor Karl doesn’t shy away from the tough parts of Scripture, bringing real, honest messages that challenge and inspire. Whether you’re a believer, curious about Christianity, or just figuring things out, these sermons are for you. Join us on this journey through the Bible and see how it speaks to every part of life—good and hard! Watch all our sermons on our youtube channel "Flipside Christian Church" Join us in person 9:00am & 10:30am every Sunday morning. 37193 Ave 12 #3h, Madera, CA 93636 For more visit us at For more podcasts visit

Ufo's, Aliens, Conspiracies, ect. Plus personal storie's from various sources.


Not so long ago..and from a Galaxy not so far away. Sorry couldnt but help use a Star Wars reference, but hey why not. Millions of people across Earth report seeing object's in our sky's they cannot adentify. With the main stream media and the U.S Government taking a more serious stance on the subject and where B.S Ufo channels are popping out of the woodwork I decided to create a channel thats as honest and truthfull as possable. So basicly iof I dont know or havent seen somthing personaly I'll say so so you can make up your own mind. Also if you have witnessed something and would like to share it I will put on the channel if I am able to do so. The only real criteria is be honest. Nobody has time for B.S...Thank you for taking the time to watch please follow and dont forget to smake that rumble button....

Yadusha Unflitered


Welcome to "Yadusha Unfiltered," where we dive deep into the conversations that matter. Hosted by Yadusha, this podcast is dedicated to exploring personal growth, community empowerment, and breaking down barriers. Each episode features insightful interviews with a diverse range of guests, including community leaders, educators, entrepreneurs, activists, and more. Join us as we uncover inspiring stories and share actionable insights to help you navigate your journey of self-improvement and community involvement. Whether you're looking for motivation, education, or a fresh perspective on important social issues, "Yadusha Unfiltered" has something for everyone. Stay connected with Yadusha on social media: - Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @iamyadusha - Rumble: @iamyadusha (Join Rumble using my - Truth Social: @iamyadusha Tune in to "Yadusha Unfiltered" and be part of the conversation that drives change. Subscribe now and never miss an episode!