「文昭談古論今」- Wen Zhao Comment Official


這裡是旅加文化學者、中國問題評論人士文昭的時政視頻發布頻道。本頻道節目的音頻MP3、無廣告視頻、文稿發佈在『文昭談古論今』會員網站:wenzhao.ca,歡迎訂閱。 此外,文昭的非時政節目發佈在油管第二頻道『文昭思緒飛揚』:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTu_hTaVf3DJMpMIyOAq2Ew 您有任何問題,請發郵件聯繫我們的客服:wenzhaocomment.2@gmail.com 「文昭談古論今」電報頻道:https://t.me/wenzhaocomment 電報群:https://t.me/wenzhaofans



Hello, my name is Wen. I’m a spiritual mentor and channeler specializing in life expansions and thriving in the unknown. I channel the Akashic Records & dragon guides for intuitive insights that guide my clients in hearing and seeing the truth in any situation. My purpose is to create a conscious world where every child is safe emotionally and physically at home. And that every child feels worthy of love. I'm dedicating my life to the following: 1. Teaching children to work with their emotions, maintain their connections to the spirit world and develop the inner compass that will always guide them back to their truths 2. Empowering parents with conscious parenting skills 3. Helping to create conscious businesses that empower children, parents, especially mothers By joining this community, you're co-creating a conscious world with me. ⚡Join my Patreon community 👉 https://bit.ly/3dejwbn Know yourself, accept yourself, love yourself and become the Creator.