Defender Of Ants


In a small suburb in the middle of Chicago , aye man ,was caged & stripped naked for growing medicine. For 118 days I shared cages with rapists , murders and the FBIs most wanted . Although close , I was never broken , and with a conviction of righteousness I learned the law , and fought back. For 38 months i fought tooth and nail to not spend half a century in a cage...and aye, man, overcame it without council , creating a feral man , more free then any man you have met and that man was.......the DEFENDER OF ANTS 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 Hahaha. I'm playing I'm Scottie , track me down and give me a hug . Let's destroy the mainstream media's propaganda

Defenders LIVE with Lora Thorson Verified


Our mission is to grow defenders both on and off the range. We advocate for personal responsibility, encourage personal growth and help people develop competency with context through education. We cover everything from mental toughness to fitness to techniques on the range and everything in between. Defenders LIVE is affiliated with Defenders USA, a defensive training company founded by Adam Winch and hosted by Lora Thorson, a Defenders USA instructor.

How To Beat The Canada Revenue Agency - Eliminate Income and Corporate Tax Verified


CANADA'S NUMBER ONE TAX EXPERT! STOP PAYING TAX IN CANADA NOW! Kevin J. Johnston has earned the reputation as Canada's foremost authority on INCOME TAX and CORPORATE INCOME TAX STRATEGIES. With over four decades of experience in defeating the Canada Revenue Agency and attacking government bodies that hurt the public, Kevin J. Johnston is the right choice to solve your Tax Problems. The Canada Revenue Agency HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN CANADA, and they commit crimes every day when they threaten Canadians. Kevin J. Johnston gets them to BACK OFF and get your taxes complete so that you OWE NOTHING! The LAW of the land states that you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THE CRA MONEY, you only have to fill out their forms, so come to Kevin J. Johnston and get them filled out the right way, and sit back, relax, and enjoy spending your money because you won't be giving it to the Canada Revenue Agency. Book your 1 Hour Consultation NOW to GET RID OF THE CRA!