Ugly Esoteric Truth


UglyEsotericTruth is all about learning the truth behind many religious, metaphysical and esoteric topics. I will be posting hard to find esoteric videos along with my own videos, in an effort to teach and reveal the hidden truth that no one want to talk about. Remember , this truth will NOT be flattering. It will be UGLY and offensive. If you can get past the offense I display then I promise you, you will learn things that no one can teach. Welcome!



I am a small business owner and sole proprietor with 25+ years of military and federal workforce experience. My focuses include alternative financial solutions with cryptocurrency, emphasizing decentralized finance and XRP/Ripple. Additionally, I manage multiple social media platforms actively arrange and stream live music 24/7. Thank you for visiting my Channel. Be sure to check out my Uglycrypto store link below. God Bless. 🔴🔴 Please contact me at the email in my profile if there are any copyright issues before flagging my content. I will be happy to reply promptly. We are all content creators who spend a lot of time on our channels. So please extend me the courtesy, and I will do the same. Thank you very much. 🔴🔴 👉 (The Uglycrypto Shop) uglycrypto.coin 🔴 I am not a financial advisor! 🔴 私はファイナンシャルアドバイザーではありません。 🔴 Ich bin kein Finanzberater!