Geheimnisse aus Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft


Ich arbeite im Marketing und der IT bei Ich genieße gerne Whisky und hinterfrage als Unternehmer Alles, was mir in die Quere kommt. Viel wird in unserer Gesellschaft und Politik heute unter den Teppich gekehrt oder tabuisiert. Ich versuche mit meinen bescheidenen Mitteln etwas Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen, damit meine Zuseher wieder etwas glücklicher und weniger verängstigt in die Zukunft sehen können. Ach ja - ich gehöre keiner Partei an und kann meine Interessen bei keiner Partei wirklich vertreten sehen. Rote sehen mich oft als rechts an und Schwarze sehen mich gerne als rot. Doch weder noch. Ich definiere die politische Bühne nach persönlicher Freiheit und Unfreiheit. Impressum Horst Lüning c/o GmbH & Co. KG, Am Grundwassersee 4, 82402 Seeshaupt,



DU FINDEST UNS in TELEGRAM >>> FaceBook Stay Awake Liechtenstein - für Frieden, Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung >>>>> ———————————————— Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

B&B Burchardt und Böttcher


Alarm! Wer hier keine Premiere verpassen möchte, bitte den Kanal abonnieren und die Glocke aktivieren! Burchardt & Böttcher #31 Ich bin im Bundestag, holt mich hier raus! Jeden Sonntag um 12 Uhr verlängern Matthias Burchardt und Sven Böttcher virtuell euren Frühstückstisch, wundern sich mit euch, was nicht in BILD und FAZ steht und machen sich möglicherweise sogar nützlich. Andernfalls machen sie jedenfalls Spaß. Im Ernst. Pay as you like. Ohne eure Unterstützung kann es B&B nicht geben: IBAN: DE22 2075 0000 0091 1012 20 Name: B+B Sven Böttcher BIC: NOLADE21HAM --- SPK Harburg-Buxtehude 21640 Neuenkirchen PayPal: Danke für eure Geschenke, neue Inhalte folgen, unterdessen bauen wir an weiter und freuen uns über euren Besuch. Ohne euch gäbe es das alles nicht, 1000 mal Dank. B&B Burchardt & Böttcher Podcast Links: Apple : Spotify : Google : Podimo : Weiterführende Webseiten : erzä

Ask Dr. G. Psychologist any question.


Want to ask a therapist a question? Having difficulties in life or situations that are hard to navigate? Whatever it might be, here is your chance to ask me, Dr. G. a psychologist of 16 years, to help come along side you to tackle what might be troubling you. Why pay large therapy bills when you can come here and get straight-to-the-point guidance. I am a Christian foremost and view the world and all its problems and goodness through this lens. I will take my years of experience and knowledge and share with you right here on Rumble in a brief-focused-practical manner healthy ways to navigate life. Subscribe and ask your question in the comments section and I will respond in my videos. If I don't get to your question, I hope you find value from the questions that are answered. I don't know where this will lead but God does and that's all I need to know.



Welcome to the FAILFUN channel on Rumble! Be the first to sign up for FailFun. We will make your life more fun with funny videos, best failures, funny kids, funny moments of people and animals daily. FailFun brings you the best compilations of the funniest clips on the Internet. FailFun is a place that brings you the most fun and interesting moments around the world ... We guarantee that you will laugh a lot and leave our channel with a smile on your face! When good humor and laughter are shared they bring people together, increase intimacy and, of course, contribute to the state of happiness. In addition, laughing strengthens the immune system, increases energy, decreases pain, protects against the effects of stress and more. Having a good laugh also helps in the proper functioning of the cardiac system. The smile helps to maintain emotional balance, keeps us more relaxed, increases self-esteem and high spirits. Smiling rejuvenates and increases longevity, as it moves the musculature of the face, helping to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Among the many health benefits that laughter can bring are: reducing stress, promoting calorie burning, improving sleep quality, strengthening the abdomen, improving blood circulation, breathing and digestion, strengthening the immune system , stimulate creativity and induce the creation of bonds with other people. SucessoEvery success starts with a failure. Want to join FailFun? Send us your videos and you could be featured! #FailFun Our channel produces unforgettable emotions for you ;-) You can watch many funny videos about animals, pets, cats, dogs, children, babies, crashes and so on. We guarantee that you will laugh a lot and leave our channel with a smile on your face! Like the video and comment what you like best. FailFun loves you. Grab a drink, some snacks, sit back and watch some of our prank videos! ☎ CONTACT US:

Donde podrás escuchar, sugerir, disfrutar, soñar, crecer, aprender y ser una mejor persona para ti y para los demás


este canal esta dedicado a las cosas sacras es decir la historia real y debidamente explicada de la vida y obras de nuestro señor Jesus de Nazaret El Cristo. y ademas contendrá audiolibros de espiritualidad para crecer como personas y de demonologia para conocer como defendernos de nuestro enemigo el deletéreo Demonio SI ALGUNO DE USTEDES DESEA AYUDAR AÑADA NUESTRO CANAL AL SUYO Y NOSOTROS HAREMOS LO MISMO CON USTEDES Y NO OLVIDEN SUSCRIBIRSE ADEMAS SI LO DSEAN PUEDEN HACER UN DONATIVO DE LO QUE DESEEN A TRAVES DE PAYPAL PARA PONER CONTENIDO DE LIBROS MAS INTERESANTES SOBRE CRISTOLOGIA, TEOLOGIA, DEMONOLOGIA, CONFERENCIAS Y MAS PERO ESTO ES ENTERAMENTE A SU VOLUNTAD YA QUE NOSOTROS LO HACEMOS SIN LUCRO saludos y bendiciones Nuestro Catalogo de servicios para el que desee conocer a que si me dedico esto lo hago por hobbie Vínculos Donativos para el canal Nuestro Sitio Web Mercado Shop Nuestro Facebook Nuestra FANPAGE en FaceBook Laboratorio de Computo Servicios de Internet Organizacion de Eventos Diseño Grafico Manejo de Documentos Agencia de Eventos Lonas para todos usos IRDLDESIGN.COM Detalles del canal 27 k suscriptores 241 videos 661,844 vistas Se unió el 21 oct 2011 México

Welcome to RoCars! This is the best place to see top brands new cars! This is a unique way to visit the most popular Auto Shows without leaving your home! The premiere of any new car is an event! What if it is BMW, Mercedes or Audi? It will be incredible


Welcome to RoCars! This is the best place to see top brands new cars! This is a unique way to visit the most popular Auto Shows without leaving your home! The premiere of any new car is an event! What if it is BMW, Mercedes or Audi? It will be incredible and awesome! The purpose of this channel is to convey to the viewer the beauty of cars through music. Autoblogging in its usual sense is becoming a thing of the past, as the opinions of journalists have become dependent on representatives of car companies. With the help of music, the viewer himself can form an opinion about the car about which he watches the video on this channel. Music created by the author of the channel RoCars, purchased or taken from free sources. I try to visit all the largest Auto Shows and shoot beautiful shots from which I create original videos. The cameras I use are: iPhone Xs Max; Sony A6500. Stabilizer: Ronin-SС