Culain ruled by Venus


Musings on magic, art, tarot, history, paganism, occultism, witchcraft, and Goddess devotion. Readings, original music, spiritual endeavors and adventures, and some silly stuff. Seeking fellow seekers, artists, lovers of nature, mysticism and Divine Essence. Love + Natural Law + Hermetic Philosophy = my religion. Artist, Twin Flame, Taoist, Animal Activist, Historian, Bibliophile, Occultist, Naturalist, and Infidel who lives for animal rescues, all things creative and natural, and reversing the missionary work of centuries which has ironically stultified true spiritual experience. I welcome email communication from all who have not come to wag a presumptuous, condescending finger.

Sheikh-ul-Islam Maulana Ishaq

15 Followers Ishaq believed in the unity of the Islamic community (Ummah).[5] He never denounced any sect and for this reason his circle of friends counted people of all sects. Ishaq Madni proclaimed openly, "Religion does not preach enmity amongst us, my message is one of love, to whatever extent it may lead".He believed that Islamic scholars should focus only on saheeh hadiths instead of d'aif hadiths. He also believed that learned scholars of Islam should be unbiased towards the different Islamic schools of thoughts and should study the differences of opinions thoroughly and should give fatawa based on authenticity of the opinion not on the greatness or influence of the school of thought. He also propagated love and respect of ahlul bayt among all muslims