My name is Amy. In 2020, I developed a hunger for God that lead me to become born again, baptized & delivered. While visiting Prophet Donna Rigney's church in 2022, I was prophesied over by Prophet Myles Kilby in the GLORY where Jesus poured oil on my head, said I had seen His Face in the secret place, my eyes were anointed to receive revelation & I later received the FIRE ANOINTING. Holy Spirit reveals scriptures to me each day about the time & season we are living in.

UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship


Ultimate Fighting Championship® is the world's leading mixed martial arts organization. Over the past decade, with the help of state athletic commissions throughout the United States, UFC® has morphed itself from a spectacle into a highly respected sports organization. Major fights between world-renowned mixed martial arts superstars have become some of the most popular sporting events of the year, surpassing pay-per-view records previously held by boxing and professional wrestling. Sports fans have made their voices heard - they want reality when they watch sports, and UFC is clearly "AS REAL AS IT GETS!"

Venha navegar por esse Mundo Proibido


O 🔐MundoProibido é um canal dedicado à investigação e divulgação de temas relacionados aos grandes mistérios da humanidade e curiosidades de maneira inteligente. Tratamos sobre arqueologia proibida, filosofia, doutrinas, religião, saúde, espiritualidade. É direcionado voltado a todos aqueles buscadores que não se conformam com versões apenas oficiais da realidade e se atrevem a explorar caminhos alternativos questionando o que foi estabelecido. Por isso, te convido a descobrir os mistérios mais surpreendentes que nos rodeiam, de forma clara e aberta, suscitando uma reflexão e curiosidade sobre o mundo mágico onde vivemos e o nosso papel decisivo no universo