Please help support me Your support is greatly appreciated Truthfully i would rather you learn this information and share it, To make sure the next generation has we have, this channel is about opening your eyes, bettering yourself , loving your country and hopefully restoring your faith, so please no donations, keep your money 90percent of what i do is repost news and the other 10percent is my shock content to make you feel or motivational videos *Maga* RESPECT YOUR COUNTRY -wwg1wga What if I told you the people in Power would never let it get better no matter what you did? What if I told you that Our World leaders "Declared war against You" and the starting pistol went off long ago? What would you do??? Hey current FBI,CIA and China Joe Administration 🖕 Double Barrel 🖕 BRING IT when a long train of abuses & usurpations [begun at a distinguished period, &] pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to subject reduce them to arbitrary power under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government & to provide new guards for their future security When Tyranny Becomes Law Rebellion becomes DUTY You can help support this cause Your support is greatly appreciated