Eric Hopkins


JEL = Jesus' Everlasting Love - Jeremiah 31:3 My name is Eric (aka JEL) I'm a Christian Constitutional Conservative. This channel will feature: THE DRAGON'S DEN PODCAST - FRIDAYS 9:30pm EST CLIPS FROM OUR WEEKLY PODCAST/GAMING STREAMS & more! - 10AM EST! - SAT: WWE Recaps/AEW Recaps/PPV or PLE Predictions/NFL Predictions - MON: Movie News/Politics Weekly Recap/Colts or NFL News?/Out of Theater Reviews? - TUE: Movie News/DD Gaming - WED: Movie News/The Lost Cartel OR Mike's Wrestling Trivia (Occassionally) - THU: Movie News/JEL Gaming - FRI: SOMETIMES - Movie News?/Out of Theater Reviews....and the DD POD LIVE! __________ For Updates on New Videos, my thoughts on Movie News/Rumors AS THEY HAPPEN and more...check out the "Community Tab" on this channel. For those as well as MORE of my personal opinions I don't have time to make videos for...follow me on X: @ericjel PLEASE hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE!! Enjoy!