Saved to Serve
20 FollowersBlessedtoServe
3 FollowersRidetoServe
3 FollowersWe are Warriors for such a time as this. Pray, intercede and encourage others! Be the light! Stand up & be strong! Remain at peace in your spirit but be prepared to protect your families. Turn off MSM & Social Media as 99% of it is lies designed to discourage. Remember Satan is the father of ALL lies. Guard your eyes, ears, mind & heart by filtering what you allow in. Deception is his tool, denial is a choice. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Pray and ask God what your role is, and jump in with both feet. Whether its intersession, to be an exhorter & encourager, to protect the weak, whatever... God knows, ask Him. YOU HAVE A ROLL! You are here for such a time as this. Read the Word, keep the faith and, "run, don't walk" in your calling. Joshua 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God bless & protect you & your families! Bill ✌😎
1 FollowertoserveGod
1 FollowerCalled to Serve Clothing
1 FollowerCalled to Serve Clothing is a small family business that creates Christian themed and Profession themed clothing, along with accessories
0 FollowersLiberty To Serve
0 FollowersWelcome, all. My name is Steve. The name liberty to serve comes from the fact that every single one of us has been given the freedom to serve whatever/whoever we choose. We are either serving God or we’re serving the devil by either serving him directly or serving our own sinful desires. Some don’t like lumping the two together but it’s true. The devil was once an angel of light, in God’s kingdom, but choose to go his own way, to become his own God. That path separated him from God and many of us are following that same example. Answering the question of who we serve is not always an easy one because it makes us question who we are and what our motives are. My number one prayer for anyone joining this channel is to always encourage you to seek and to serve the savior because Jesus is the only way to salvation and true fulfillment. I pray God’s blessing on you and that you’ll always seek him first.