John Fredericks Media Network Verified


The John Fredericks Media Network is the fourth largest independent conservative news/talk radio network in America covering the Mid-Atlantic region from Philadelphia to Atlanta. The John Fredericks Morning Show, heard 6 AM to 10 AM daily, has become must-listen radio. President Trump has been a regular guest since 2015. John Fredericks served as Trump campaign chairman of Virginia in 2016 and 2020 and was elected Trump Delegation Chairman of Virginia in 2020. Fredericks has spent more than 40 years in the media, previously working as a journalist, newspaper editor, and television host. Fredericks is also the Publisher of three Star News Media digital daily newspapers: Pennsylvania Daily Star, The Georgia Star News, and The Virginia Star. He and his wife Anne, the company’s CEO, own a number of radio stations in Virginia, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.



Get ready to burst into laughter with this hilarious animal antics compilation! In this uproarious video, you'll witness a parade of adorable and wacky animals doing the most unexpected and side-splitting things. The video opens with an adorable pug named Max attempting to chase his own tail but ending up in a delightful spin that leaves him dizzy and disoriented. Max's comical expressions are an absolute riot! Next, a clever parrot named Polly takes center stage, mimicking household sounds like a ringing phone, a microwave beep, and even a car alarm. Polly's spot-on impersonations will leave you in stitches. As you continue watching, you'll encounter a group of playful kittens engaging in an epic game of hide-and-seek. Their tiny paws and curious antics will warm your heart and tickle your funny bone.



Este canal ha nacido para gloria de la Santísima Trinidad Único y Eterno Dios y de Nuestra Santísima Reina María. Se ofrecen la visualización de Santas Misas celebradas según el Vetus Ordo, Catequesis de doctrina católica, Letanías a Cristo, la Inmaculada, los ángeles y los santos, Mensajes marianos y de Cristo y Canciones cristianas. Todo este contenido pretende mostrar y demostrar, que la Iglesia católica hoy ha sido asediada, ocupada y usurpada por falsos obispos y por un falso Papa que obedece las directrices de los poderes fuertes de este mundo, pero que ya no es Servidor de Dios, ni Vicario de Cristo. El canal afronta los retos de denunciar, con apologética cristiana y celo apostólico, a la falsa iglesia bergogliana que hoy se ha asentado en el vaticano, antes lugar de luz, catolicidad, testimonio de fe martirial y roca apostólica. En este HOY se cumple la profecía de Cristo de que las puertas del infierno no prevalecerán ante la inexpugnable FE católica y el SENSUS FIDELIUM.