Digital Film Series from Book Texas Under Siege by M. Glenn Baxter. The eyes of Texas are upon Governor Gregg Abbott who is a traitor Globalist connected the George Bush Nazi Crime Family in Texas. "TEXAS UNDER SEIGE" book is written and created through 50,000 hours of deep research over the past 10 years and includes videos selected out over 500 short videos and documentaries exposing truth about the Illuminati, Free Masons, Church of Satan, Church of Set, Himmler Mengele Order of the Black Sun. Hidden Scriptures and Origin of Vatican going back into Hindu India. Texas is facing an all out weaponized migration assault to destroy the America people. The Biden Presidency secretly supported by Texas Globalist Governor Greg Abbott have paid for military style training camps in Panama and opened a massive flow of black sewer slime across Texas and entire USA. This sewer is filled with undocumented Venezuelans, Panamanians, Mafia Drug Cartel Members, murders of prisons, Chinese and you name it from over 150 countries.

DT64Rf Bregenz-VeeZeeTV 1-ARCHIV


DT64Rundfunk Bregenz-VeeZeeTV 1 gehört zum DT64Rundfunk Bregenz welcher seit FR.01.01.1993 aus der ABWICKLUNG des Berliner Funkhauses Nalepastraße sich durch neuhinzu gekommene ehrenamtliche Personen NEU begründet hat.Durch die Abschaltung aller Mittelwellen-Langwellen-Kurzwellen-Frequenzen in Deutschland am Do.31.12.2015 wurden alle Aktivitäten nebst Produktion , Mitarbeiter , ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter , eigener Sendeturm mit seinen eigenen FM-AM-LW-KW-Frequenzen etc. und der Hauptstitz von Neuses(b.Kronach) ab FR.01.05.2015 nach BREGENZ verlegt und die Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland(ARD) zum Do.31.12.2015 ERSATZLOS BEENDET.

American Regenerative Farming Education & Research


Dear Friends and Supporters, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Smoky Inferno, a startup on a mission to educate the public about the food they consume every day. Our unique blend of BBQ hub and interactive learning experiences aims to tackle the crucial problems facing America today. Our planet is in desperate need of protection, and the future of our food supply is at risk. Soil degradation, toxic substances in our food, and the loss of millions of bees are only a few of the major challenges we face. That's why Smoky Inferno is launching to take action now!