General Shepherd
Chapter by Chapter, Line by Line study of the Word of God, the Bible
Daily Devotional Messages and Sunday Worship
Dag Heward-Mills Shepherds' Services
Solo recording project. I am a housebound, service disabled veteran (British Army, USMC Recon & US Army 82nd Airborne Recon/Sniper Platoon). Loving God, Jesus & life. These are my home recorded original & cover songs plus instrumentals. I hope that they stimulate your mind. Cheers Mark
Maybe your question is listed. New questions added almost daily!
Our Mission Statement is "Preach The Truth Unapologetically And Make Disciples Of All Nations!"
Our mission is to help others grow in their relationship with God through Biblical understanding - and become Radical Shepherds themselves!
Chapter by chapter and verse by verse study of the Bible.
Bork, bork bork woof. Bork bork bork, Booooooorrrkkk.
Videos of our corgis and german shepherd
A discussion of the state of mankind, its potential, and the obstacles it faces
German Shepherd Playtime
Coming from different backgrounds, The Wolf (The Brit) and The Shepherd (The Texan) offer a long form podcast no holds barred approach to all topics, keeping an open mind and giving you a laugh every now and then. We never censor our guests, never take sides and allow them our platform to deliver their message.
Security, Communications, International Development, AI, and more...
Your premier resource for all things German Shepherd related and people who love them
Ellie is an Australian Shepherd that lives to play with her Frisbee. She is different than most dogs because she wants you to roll it on the ground.
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