The Séance Podcast Verified


A podcast that discusses the paranormal, metaphysical, sometimes even conspiracy and most of all mysteries of the mind, space & time. Sign up for the FREE Email Newsletter & More: Conceived in January of 2015. Originally launched as a weekly live internet radio broadcast. When show host and creator Rev. Dr. Paul G. Meckes had to pack up and move overseas for a career move the show went dark till his return home. It wasn't until September 2021 when the platform restructured to a podcast and virtual community. The re-boot of Conscious Radio Network evolved into a whole new life and energy. If you have a story to share please contact us.

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📺 Dive into the heart of the United States with our trending video collection! Join us on a virtual journey across America's iconic landmarks, cultural hotspots, and thrilling adventures. From bustling cityscapes to serene natural wonders, our channel showcases the best of the USA through captivating vlogs, travel guides, and entertaining stories. Subscribe now to experience the American dream up close and stay updated on the latest trends sweeping the nation! United States, USA vlogs, American travel, trending videos, US landmarks, cultural experiences, adventure vlogging, America's best, popular destinations, travel inspiration, captivating stories, American dream, city exploration, natural wonders, viral trends.

Черепашки-ниндзя (1987) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Главные герои — 15-летние черепахи-мутанты человеческих размеров, вершащие правосудие на улицах Нью-Йорка не без помощи искусного владения ниндзюцу. Их наставник — человек-крыса, мастер по кличке Сплинтер. Он обучил черепах искусствам ниндзя и дал имена в честь художников эпохи Возрождения: Донателло, Рафаэль, Леонардо и Микеланджело. В первой серии черепашки находят старого врага Сплинтера — Ороку Саки по прозвищу Шреддер. Он захватывает Сплинтера и предлагает черепахам перейти на его сторону. Черепахи спасают Сплинтера и дают обет бороться против Шреддера. С тех пор у черепашек два основных противника — Шреддер и Крысиный Король, на протяжении последних сезонов мультсериала основным антагонистом является инопланетный захватчик Лорд Дрегг.



We delve deep into the most pressing issues affecting teenagers, offering insightful perspectives, practical advice, and empowering solutions. From navigating the complexities of relationships to coping with mental health struggles, we cover a wide range of topics, including: Pornography and its impact on mental health and relationships Depression and anxiety: understanding, coping strategies, and seeking help Overcoming addiction, including discussions on "fapping" (masturbation) and its effects Dealing with procrastination and building effective study habits Self-esteem and body image issues Peer pressure and social dynamics Healthy communication and conflict resolution Exploring identity and sexuality Personal development and goal setting