Awesome World of Tanks Replays


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Wenger Todd's Watchshop


Hi! I’m Todd, "Wenger Todd." Join me for watch reviews, repair tips, and commentary! On Wenger Todd\\\'s Watch Shop, you will find watch reviews, product reviews, commentary, and an entire "How-To" line of videos for the beginning watch enthusiast. I\\\'ve been head-long into the watch hobby, and am enjoying sharing my experiences with you. I primarily review watches in the $75-$500 range, so if you have any recommendations, please comment in one of my videos! ***Subscribe to see more Watch Reviews, Product Reviews, Commentary, and How-To Videos on your feed! I upload at least once a week!

Burt's Tinkering


I do lots of "stuff" such as wood working, building, welding fabrication, mechanical repairs, excavator work etc... I am also setting up my property as it is pretty much a blank slate. My two machines that you will see are Caterpillar, mini ex is a 303CR and skid steer is a 242D. I will also be including projects that I do with my Dad, of course like father like son, and between the two of us we have quite a few projects. Dad also owns some heavy equipment that will be shown and maybe featured here. Among the equipment is a Bobcat Skid steer and (the one I love the most) his John Deere 550 C bulldozer. I hope you find the content enjoyable and informative.