Humble Mechanic Verified


On Humble Mechanic we talk about many areas of the car repair world. I teach about cars, car parts, and even do DIY videos. Also, if you are a mechanic, or thinking about becoming a technician or mechanic I show you how to get started I am a master certified Volkswagen technician. I have been fixing broken VWs for over 10 years. I have also been training and mentoring young techs for about 10 years. I have seen a lot in my career, and I am happy to share those experiences with you.

Dating Advice For Men


Welcome to the official Tripp Advice YouTube Channel! My name is Tripp Kramer and I teach shy guys how to meet and date the quality of girls they truly desire. Even if you're shy or have social anxiety, you can get a loyal and beautiful girlfriend. All it takes is learning some new mindsets, applying new strategies and putting yourself out there. Every week, I upload new videos on how to become your most attractive self and get girls to chase you without any cheesy pick up lines or acting like someone you're not.