Billboard Music Producer. My Trap Hip-Hop Beats & Rap Instrumentals are for all artists, rappers, singers and creatives who want to make their music stand out. Subscribe now to get the new Trap Beat, Type Beat & Rap Instrumentals. As an award-winning producer, I have had the privilege of working with some of the biggest names in the Trap Rap music industry including City Girls, Rick Ross, Sniper Gang, and more. Let's make great music!



My 94 year old Mother -In-Law was in assisted living during COVID. and unfortunately died while being on lock-down. In reality she was locked up, a prisoner in her room. No outside contacts for six months, meals alone and no social contacts with other "inmates". Effectively solitary confinement. She always enjoyed my player piano and loved to sing along with us. I want to bring this joy to others who might be a "captive" audience . I thought about putting the piano in my pick up truck and going around to facilities and playing but decided that this would cause damage to my antique player piano. So I came up with the idea to have a video channel. I hope this will be enjoyed by Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents and Day Care and Nursery School children as well as families singing together. If you care to give a gift of any amount to support my work you can give it at: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=2C5L5PNBHT7WU



Our channel helps Christians live a Christ focused life in a world and country that hates Him. We lay religion aside and instead, focus our attention of Jesus. We will look to keep the content current, focusing on news of the day, how to make sense of the madness in the world, maybe sermons that we are listening to and pass them along to you. It even be a book or article that we have read that we believe is worth mentioning. Any and everything we can think of to help you live a life that is pleasing to God. My wife and I have been married for 16 years, have four children and full time jobs. We aren't Pastors or theologians, just real people wanting to connect with fellow believers and build a community. We want more then "health and wealth" gospels or "your best life now" mantra's, we want Jesus! If this sounds like you, please subscribe to the channel and drop us a comment, we would love to hear from you! We will be uploading new content weekly.

Wellness Impact | Type 2 Diabetes Coaching


https://www.wellnessimpact.org/https://www.wellnessimpact.org ✅ Helping people with Type 2 Diabetes achieve diabetes remission and avoid complications so they can live a healthier, happier and longer life. Welcome to Wellness Impact, a channel dedicated to helping people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes discover wellness and unlock the power of possibility for better health and life. We firmly believe in supporting people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, enhance physical activity, improve mental health, and nurture all areas of wellness, enabling them to live empowered and happy lives. At Wellness Impact, we understand that education is a vital aspect of personal growth and transformation. Therefore, our channel offers valuable content that equips people with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed choices and sustainable changes. Join us and embark on a transformative path toward optimal wellness. Together, let's explore the possibilities and discover the incredible impact that wellness can have on your life.