Tools&Targets Verified


Gun Stuff! Ballistic Gel Testing, Quick Firearm and Ammo Reviews, and Lots of Fun on My Private Steel Target Range! *All shooting is performed on a private, closed range on private property under controlled situations. Do not attempt any activities shown in the videos on this channel* **** Affiliate Links: Email: *Mailing Address: Tools&Targets P.O. Box 1096 Collinsville, VA 24078 *Physical Address: Tools&Targets 3365 Virginia Ave. Box 1096 Collinsville, VA 24078

TIR (Targeted Individual Recovery)


My Name is Quinn, I have gone from Jehovah's Witness to targeted individual. The purpose of this channel is to bring awareness of these topics and offer solutions and help for others dealing with these things. I would rather not put myself out here but I know it is the right thing to do. Based on the universal law of free will, I have the right to tell others how I am being attack and I have the right to use my knowledge to help others. For anyone that tries to harm me for doing so would be violating my free will and the universal law that God/ or Source as granted us. Other channels

Targeted Individual


Hello my name is Wayne Morris and I am a life long trauma based mind control survivor from Melbourne, Australia. I have made this channel out of fear for my life as I am being tortured and slowly killed by my corrupt government and its shady security contractors. This program is all encompassing and destroys every aspect of ones life, mind, body, soul, reputation, finances and support. I am not a criminal, nor have I done anything worthy of this horrific treatment. There are many, many targets world wide (possibly in the millions), many are female and all are struggling to survive. This program very much ties in with the current depopulation agenda and that false flag that is COVID-19. This program is the prototype as to how dissidents or anyone with a differing opinion from their government will be handled. The only way to truly understand this program is to live it. I don't expect you to understand what I am going through, but I do ask you to be respectful. Thank you.

Hypnose de régression Enquêtes


Site / Email : **Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression à distance ** CONSCIENCE LIBEREE Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre chaine youtube sur l’Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression. Cette activité est l’aventure de deux soeurs Auréana et Carole qui ont suivi une formation de praticiennes en hypnose à l’IIHS, institut international d’Hypnose spirituel par son fondateur Jean-Charles Chabot. La pratique de HSR s’adresse à toutes personnes désireuses de vivre une expérience dans ses vies antérieures, pour mettre en évidence des blocages, des émotions trop intenses mais aussi la curiosité sur des questions existentielles, ou encore ce qui vient et se passe dans l’après-vie. Auréana ou Carole seront heureuses de vous accompagner dans votre cheminement spirituel à travers un assortiment de questions selon ce qui sortira de votre état de conscience. Nous vous invitons à en apprendre plus sur notre site à Ecrivez-nous pour toutes autres informations. Coeurdialement vôtre, Carole & Auréana