Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
7,763 FollowersLiberty Forum Of Silicon Valley
6,064 FollowersWe are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.
Gabriele Sannino Quello che i media non dicono
4,172 FollowersInformazione alternativa su economia, politica, attualità e finanche spiritualità.
Q Boooom🚨🚨🍿
3,751 FollowersGet Latest Bombs Here
Nerdrotic Official
2,755 Followerstheiconicpodcast
2,311 FollowersNotARubicon Productions
1,924 FollowersThe NotARubicon - GMRS, communications, and off-road videos.
1,731 FollowersThe Iconic Podcast
1,399 FollowersThe Iconic truth, behind historical fiction.
El Tico NetWorks & HVAC!!!
782 FollowersHello!!! Welcome to my channel, feel at home just don't touch the beer on the refrigerator!! ETNWHVAC is a brainchild it comprises who I was, who I am and also gives a hint of who I could become!! "El Tico" people from Costa Rica are known as "Ticos" and since I'm from Costa Rica then I'm "El Tico" "NetWorks" I have a background on Computer Technology & Networking always had been fascinated with Computers, for creativity, productivity, and gaming!!! Also networking applies to my very social nature, I like talking to people (Trolling) and exchanging ideas and exposing myself to different points of view!!! "HVAC" Since very young age it was a fascination of me to take things apart (normally not working) so I could see how it works, Microwaves, Blenders, Radios, Televisions, later in life I was given the opportunity to work as an Air Conditioning Technician and I knew I was in for the long run, Now I get to take Air Conditioning Units apart and put them back together and this is the Trade in which I will be until my end comes!!! I been into Flight Simulation since 1998 and the game that started it all was Silent Thunder A-10 Thunderbolt II by Sierra On-Line, call me blind but I think the A-10 is a beautiful bird!!! besides Flight Simulation I like to play with games like SWAT4, ARMA3, and Ready Or Not, in their own right I would also include them into the whole simulation umbrella!!! I have a variety of taste when it comes to gaming among some of many are puzzle adventure, Assassins Creed, crafting survival!!! I also will be streaming doing HVAC when I have the chance, usually when I'm working alone and when no one is around due to privacy concerns!!! In summary I like to share with the Rumble community my passion for gamming, simulation and Air Conditioning!!! I will see you in chat, for now El Tico says "Asta La Vista!!! Baby!!!" I like to take the opportunity to recommend this Rumble Creators because of their content and their great personalities!!! Swaye - Wycca - Shmah - Zaytris - Pepkilla - FPMejia - IamNibz - Retsnom - SilverFox - SynthTrax - JdaDelete - DearSarge - Mr Rippers - NubesALot - CrazyGoffo - Critica1Th0t - DissenterNet - sophmorejohn - WeAreTheShow - AirCondaTvGaming -
758 FollowersCordicon
752 FollowersQuellocheimedianondicono
656 FollowersCatalácticos
531 FollowersO melhor programa de fake-news subersivas do Brasil.
346 Followerssmall patriot grass roots channel
The Iconic Highlights
294 FollowersThe Iconic truth, behind historical fiction.
286 FollowersA Channel for Truth! It's all about Jesus Christ Of Nazareth! Please enjoy and get some knowledge on many subjects. In the end, all truth is in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Time to wake up brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ Is Coming Back! Many will parish for lack of knowledge! Are you that person? Do You Know About Your Birth Certificate and the difference between being a Creditor and a Debtor? Check Out The Channel To Find Out What is Really Going On Here! It's bigger than you can imagine. Once you find out and understand who you really are and the power and dominion that you truly have! You will understand why the powers that be, have been deceiving us since birth. Time is of the essence and time is short for Satan and his fallen angels. Stand in faith, have an open mind and learn the truth even if it hurts. So that you can take back what is rightfully yours. Your Birth Rights and the dominion over the earth that was given to us from our FATHER THE ALL MIGHTY GOD! THE CREATOR! Please Do Your Own Research! Thank you for your support in advance and Jesus Is Lord! Contact Our Other Channel
273 FollowersCanale informativo All My Links ► Donazioni ►
Restore the Republic One County at a Time
259 FollowersWe are Restoring the Constitutional-Republic One County at a Time. This is a hub for instructional information, operating a Constitutional-Republic congress throughout the united States in Every County.
259 FollowersTacticoreMemes
257 FollowersTacticon Armament
216 FollowersA 2nd Amendment Company
Iconically Vaxxed
209 FollowersVaccines have caused harm and deaths since there was only one vaccine in existence. A growing number of serious injuries and deaths to children occurred in the 1980s, when the vaccine schedule began to increase, and new combinations of vaccines were given together – with absolutely NO pre-licensure safety testing performed. The passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was intended to shift the burden of ensuring vaccines were safe to the federal government, while providing a mechanism for compensating those who were inevitably harmed by vaccines. Neither of these initiatives were successful. Millions of American children have been harmed by untested and dangerous vaccines with no acknowledgement of their injuries. The hastily developed COVID vaccines are no different in their ability to cause permanent harm or death. But now it is ADULTS who are being harmed, and their devastating injuries are far more difficult to dismiss than injuries to infants who cannot communicate. There have now been more adverse reactions reported to VAERS for COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines in history combined. -- -- The Iconic KJV Bible: The Iconic Christian Walk: Marriage In Light of the Bible: Feminism In Light of the Bible: A Christian Christmas: The Sodomite Agenda: The Synagogue of Satan: Beware Of False Prophets: Expounding Revelations: Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud: -- -- Who I Am: I am a Christian that doesn't hide my bias. I view the world with a Baptist Bias. (Thank You To: This means that I view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While culture, opinions, and man's philosophies may change, the Word of God never changes. As we watch the accelerated deterioration of our culture and the vanishing of intelligence and adherence to truth in our nation, I seek to help bring America the reality check she so desperately needs through organized videos from real men of God, today's watchmen. As our country debates over whether two plus two really equals four, or contemplates the question of, "can a man get pregnant?" what will be posted for you is the discussions the main stream media and the TV preachers will never bring you.
192 FollowersThe Icons of Outlaw Country
163 FollowersDuring the 1960’s, country music experienced the commercial and artistic success known as the Nashville Sound. By the 1970’s, however, it was clear that the Nashville Sound was simply not working for many country artists. Regardless of their talent it was nearly impossible for new or unfamiliar artists to get any attention, and the artists that did get the producers’ attention were not allowed to write their own songs or hire their own band members. A group of disgruntled Nashville musicians, later known as Outlaws, felt the immediate need to change the system. These musicians began a tradition of creative control and musical experimentation that remain the “bedrock musical values” of country music today. Born and raised in Texas, John Wesley Karson had a front row seat long before the term “Outlaw” was even used to describe what he calls this “Cosmic Cowboy” revolution. John’s radio career spans over four decades and each week he shares music and insight into these icons of country music, taking his listeners on a two hour sonic journey through the past and into the present state of the world of country music from his studios in Bakersfield, California. The Icons of Outlaw Country combines the best elements of the Talk Radio & Classic Country formats with a healthy dose of podcast style storytelling and interview segments as a celebration of the bold individualism of those select few artists who dared to rock the country music boat and do it their own way, the American way.
140 FollowersWelcome to the official Tacticorememes Rumble Channel. Veteran and 2A Advocate, host of the new Headbangers Ball every Saturday at 1300 EST. (Powered by Rumble)
140 FollowersMateo Sanador Cuántico
139 Followersaaaa
Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women
131 FollowersSpeakers at SVARW meetings
128 FollowersMajor Vietnam Icon
126 FollowersMajor post content regarding Vietnam and his travels and investments in the region.
QFS Sistema Finanziario Quantistico
118 FollowersINFORMAZIONI DETTAGLIATE DEL Computer Quantistico #QFS - da ASHTAR COMMAND e i PLEIADIANI I video e le informazioni condivise in questo canale sono informazioni reali inviati da benevoli ET che ancora oggi sono presenti sul nostro pianeta . Le informazioni da noi fornite sono moltissime , quindi per capire bene come funziona la nuova tecnologia e necessario che viviate questa pagina come una scuola , dovrete studiarle e metterle in pratica . Q F S - SISTEMA FINANZIARIO QUANTISTICO - La parola stessa lo dice Quantico significa che questa tecnologia si interfaccia con il DNA umano , conosce la vostra posizione di conseguenza sa sempre ciò che inviate e ciò che ricevete . Sa innanzitutto che state ricevendo tali informazioni Sa del vostro sistema di credenze installato nel vostro cervello Sa se commentate e con quale vibrazione lo fate. ALLINEAMENTO ALLE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE AL 2023. Questa tecnologia e presa in custodia da ET benevoli e se prendete consapevolezza di essere già agganciati a questa nuova rete anche se non avete conti la vostra vita cambierà in un modo quantico - ASCENDERETE ALLA 5D OVE NON ESISTE IL MALE - Il male può esistere solo se si contribuisce in qualche modo ad alimentarlo , ammettiamo che il mondo e stato governato da ET malevoli ma , se prendete consapevolezza che sono stati alimentati da coloro che li temevano fareste bene d'ora in avanti a mantenere le vibrazioni al positivo , in quanto questo mondo è sotto la vigilanza dei Cappelli Bianchi. IL QFS VI CONOSCE , DIO SA TUTTO. Quindi non parliamo solo delle finanze , il computer ha memorizzato tutto fin da quando e nata la terra Il computer Quantico e più vecchio della terra , e stato inventato molto prima che il pianeta stesso venisse creato. Immagine e somiglianza , anche le tecnologie terrestri inventate dall'uomo , infatti esse sono state canalizzate dall'inventore dell'epoca ed erano le stesse entità che oggi abbiamo presenti sul pianeta. ANCHE ADESSO MENTRE SCRIVO QUESTO POST DI BENVENUTO. Vi vogliono solo ricordare di prendere in mano la vostra consapevolezza non delegate il male non prendetevela con il male, esso è solo più un residuo che non può resistere su un PIANETA ASCESO . anche se con inferiorità di persone ascese, questi ET ad alta vibrazione sono incarnati sulla terra , essi sono la pulizia del vecchia vibrazione , essi sono nella politica , sono in mezzo a famiglie. Rilassati , concentrati solo nel bene , DIO sa tutto e in primis conosce anche te che leggi , e io che ho scritto . BUON LAVORO ASHTAR COMMAND 169443 ATON
Silicon Valley Truth With Lynley Kerr
107 FollowersTruth They Don't Want You To Know
107 FollowersTardonomicon
81 FollowersPatriots and Petticoats
73 FollowersPolitics, Current Events and Culture
Fraude del Cambio Climatico
70 FollowersCanal sobre el "Falso o la gran fraude del cambio Climatico"