La Quinta Columna


La Quinta Columna es un espacio para el libre pensamiento ... Un espacio para la investigación, análisis, ciencia, opinión, entrevistas de toda la actualidad .. En esta comunidad tienen cabida todas aquellas personas interesadas tanto en los temas actuales, como en una visión alternativa de la realidad que nos ofrecen los MASS MEDIA ... Somos un canal en continua expansión y crecimiento .. Un canal dinámico y abierto a todas las hipótesis para encontrar explicación plausible a la mayoría de fenómenos que tienen lugar en nuestra Sociedad usando como arma principal el método científico, pero no obviando otras hipótesis e ideas propias del PENSAMIENTO LIBRE ... Entra ya a formar parte de nuestra Comunidad y aporta con tus comentarios .. Tu opinión nos importa .. TE ESPERAMOS!!

El Tico NetWorks & HVAC!!! Verified


Hello!!! Welcome to my channel, feel at home just don't touch the beer on the refrigerator!! ETNWHVAC is a brainchild it comprises who I was, who I am and also gives a hint of who I could become!! "El Tico" people from Costa Rica are known as "Ticos" and since I'm from Costa Rica then I'm "El Tico" "NetWorks" I have a background on Computer Technology & Networking always had been fascinated with Computers, for creativity, productivity, and gaming!!! Also networking applies to my very social nature, I like talking to people (Trolling) and exchanging ideas and exposing myself to different points of view!!! "HVAC" Since very young age it was a fascination of me to take things apart (normally not working) so I could see how it works, Microwaves, Blenders, Radios, Televisions, later in life I was given the opportunity to work as an Air Conditioning Technician and I knew I was in for the long run, Now I get to take Air Conditioning Units apart and put them back together and this is the Trade in which I will be until my end comes!!! I been into Flight Simulation since 1998 and the game that started it all was Silent Thunder A-10 Thunderbolt II by Sierra On-Line, call me blind but I think the A-10 is a beautiful bird!!! besides Flight Simulation I like to play with games like SWAT4, ARMA3, and Ready Or Not, in their own right I would also include them into the whole simulation umbrella!!! I have a variety of taste when it comes to gaming among some of many are puzzle adventure, Assassins Creed, crafting survival!!! I also will be streaming doing HVAC when I have the chance, usually when I'm working alone and when no one is around due to privacy concerns!!! In summary I like to share with the Rumble community my passion for gamming, simulation and Air Conditioning!!! I will see you in chat, for now El Tico says "Asta La Vista!!! Baby!!!" I like to take the opportunity to recommend this Rumble Creators because of their content and their great personalities!!! Swaye - Wycca - Shmah - Zaytris - Pepkilla - FPMejia - IamNibz - Retsnom - SilverFox - SynthTrax - JdaDelete - DearSarge - Mr Rippers - NubesALot - CrazyGoffo - Critica1Th0t - DissenterNet - sophmorejohn - WeAreTheShow - AirCondaTvGaming -

PoisonTaco Verified


Who are we? Part-Time Heroes is a gaming community that was founded in February of 2013. We began playing Guild Wars 2 and then Battlefield 4. Today we play Star Citizen, Arma 3 as well as a handful of other side games. Who am I? I'm PoisonTaco, the founder of Part-Time Heroes. I've been running guilds, clans and other groups in games for years and it's my goal to build this channel to showcase that content. A lot of it is game dependent but the goal is to build something great over time! PC Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X GPU: AMD RX 6900 XT RAM: 32GB DDR4 I fly with Tobii Eyetracker, HOTAS controls, MFG Crosswinds, Stream Decks and Game Glass. Full Simpit experience If you're interested in joining Part-Time Heroes you can find us on Guilded:



En este canal iremos alojando los programas de nuestros directos nocturnos habituales. La Quinta Columna es un espacio para el libre pensamiento ... Un espacio para la investigación, análisis, ciencia, opinión, entrevistas de toda la actualidad .. En esta comunidad tienen cabida todas aquellas personas interesadas tanto en los temas actuales, como en una visión alternativa de la realidad que nos ofrecen los MASS MEDIA ... Somos un canal en continua expansión y crecimiento .. Un canal dinámico y abierto a todas las hipótesis para encontrar explicación plausible a la mayoría de fenómenos que tienen lugar en nuestra Sociedad usando como arma principal el método científico, pero no obviando otras hipótesis e ideas propias del PENSAMIENTO LIBRE ... Entra ya a formar parte de nuestra Comunidad y aporta con tus comentarios .. Tu opinión nos importa .. TE ESPERAMOS!!

Rocco Taco Mining


This channel is about my adventures with Crypto mining. How I found out about it, how I researched it and how I got started. I am no expert but am learning from the crypto mining firehose of knowledge. Buying equipment is the most difficult part. Making sure components are compatible and not overpriced in today's crypto frenzied market. This channel will cover my day-to-day journey with crypto mining, and show my profits and the mining tools I use to mine ETH, SHIB, DOGE and receive BITCOIN. From my mistakes we will all learn how to minimize on exchange transfer payout fees and how to earn interest on your mined coins. Either by using BLOCKFI or VOYAGER.

QFS Sistema Finanziario Quantistico


INFORMAZIONI DETTAGLIATE DEL Computer Quantistico #QFS - da ASHTAR COMMAND e i PLEIADIANI I video e le informazioni condivise in questo canale sono informazioni reali inviati da benevoli ET che ancora oggi sono presenti sul nostro pianeta . Le informazioni da noi fornite sono moltissime , quindi per capire bene come funziona la nuova tecnologia e necessario che viviate questa pagina come una scuola , dovrete studiarle e metterle in pratica . Q F S - SISTEMA FINANZIARIO QUANTISTICO - La parola stessa lo dice Quantico significa che questa tecnologia si interfaccia con il DNA umano , conosce la vostra posizione di conseguenza sa sempre ciò che inviate e ciò che ricevete . Sa innanzitutto che state ricevendo tali informazioni Sa del vostro sistema di credenze installato nel vostro cervello Sa se commentate e con quale vibrazione lo fate. ALLINEAMENTO ALLE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE AL 2023. Questa tecnologia e presa in custodia da ET benevoli e se prendete consapevolezza di essere già agganciati a questa nuova rete anche se non avete conti la vostra vita cambierà in un modo quantico - ASCENDERETE ALLA 5D OVE NON ESISTE IL MALE - Il male può esistere solo se si contribuisce in qualche modo ad alimentarlo , ammettiamo che il mondo e stato governato da ET malevoli ma , se prendete consapevolezza che sono stati alimentati da coloro che li temevano fareste bene d'ora in avanti a mantenere le vibrazioni al positivo , in quanto questo mondo è sotto la vigilanza dei Cappelli Bianchi. IL QFS VI CONOSCE , DIO SA TUTTO. Quindi non parliamo solo delle finanze , il computer ha memorizzato tutto fin da quando e nata la terra Il computer Quantico e più vecchio della terra , e stato inventato molto prima che il pianeta stesso venisse creato. Immagine e somiglianza , anche le tecnologie terrestri inventate dall'uomo , infatti esse sono state canalizzate dall'inventore dell'epoca ed erano le stesse entità che oggi abbiamo presenti sul pianeta. ANCHE ADESSO MENTRE SCRIVO QUESTO POST DI BENVENUTO. Vi vogliono solo ricordare di prendere in mano la vostra consapevolezza non delegate il male non prendetevela con il male, esso è solo più un residuo che non può resistere su un PIANETA ASCESO . anche se con inferiorità di persone ascese, questi ET ad alta vibrazione sono incarnati sulla terra , essi sono la pulizia del vecchia vibrazione , essi sono nella politica , sono in mezzo a famiglie. Rilassati , concentrati solo nel bene , DIO sa tutto e in primis conosce anche te che leggi , e io che ho scritto . BUON LAVORO ASHTAR COMMAND 169443 ATON

Your Daily Bite of Degen


Has anyone told you your Awesome today? No? Well you are AWESOME! From the travels of Player1Taco we will get to use his rough Viking 101 how to guides and even rougher interviews. New content and how to's that will allow you to learn how to start interacting with different DEX's and Protocols and dApps that will give you the push you need to do it yourself! Here we will be bringing you updated information about what is going on with the latest protocols, get to talk about and with some of the leading tech and people working to make the world a different place through blockchain. You will find interviews, how to videos and Degen Shenanigans from around the world that sometimes maybe odd but we are all working towards a future and doing good in DeFi while having fun! To always help out please if you like anything Subscribe, Like, and Comment. and if you really like something please use my referral links so that WE both get a boost!

Just A Concerned Citizen


Think of this channel first and foremost as a platform to rebel against the global elites whos policies have managed to infiltrate most of the free world. I strongly believe their goal to strip us all of our God given fundamental rights that have been around since The Magna Carta. The threat to this constitutional republic has never been greater than right now! Powerful forces continue to try to undermine our sovereignty as a nation, and usher in a one world government to rule the world. These globalists would gladly let the world burn if they could rule the ashes. We need to stop rationalizing what are world leaders are doing, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt! Silence is no longer an option, We The People need to speak up. We need to stop complying and start rebelling. On this channel video uploads and livestreams will be discussing a wide range of topics. Subjects include the US economy, stock market, commodities, macroeconomics and geo-politics. But will also discuss the importance of freedom of speech, the second amendment, removing money from politics, crushing the mainstream medias strangle hold on the narrative, searching for truth based of facts, and restoring law and order. We are currently in my opinion in Americas Fourth Turning a crisis period, and things may look bleak right now, but I have hope in humanity that there is a brighter day coming. There are more of us then them, and in a fight of Good vs. Evil I believe ultimately we will prevail. WE are here to BREAK THE WHEEL! MOLON LABE!