

The Mindbody Syndrome Healing Center The TMS Wall of Victory is built upon personal stories of enlightenment that are not simply victories over pain and chronic illness. It means much more. The foundation for a Wall of Victory is built upon victory over darkness, suffering, confusion, fear, the medical industry, and the unknown Self. Everyone who heals has been freed by the "light of awareness," and a deeper understanding of themselves. The Truth heals them, but it must first be sought after, and then accepted.

Steve On The Sticks


Hi all! My name is Steve and I am self-taught on the drums but have been a creative writer for most of my life. I spent time playing other people's music, but recently was motivated to record a few songs. Nothing ground breaking, but just to get the experience and learn how to do it. And not only did I learn a lot but the experience in creating the songs themselves were the final reward. I share with the world to hopefully motivate others that if I can, you can. Hope you enjoy my music!