Dott. Stefano Montanari e Dott.ssa Antonietta Gatti


Due scienziati riconosciuti in tutto il mondo con all\\\'attivo moltissime scoperte scientifiche inerenti l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'inquinamento da nanoparticelle. Stefano Montanari, bolognese di nascita (1949), modenese di adozione, laureato in Farmacia nel 1972 con una tesi in Microchimica, ha cominciato fin dai tempi dell’università ad occuparsi di ricerca applicata al campo della medicina. Autore di diversi brevetti nel campo della cardiochirurgia, della chirurgia vascolare, della pneumologia e progettista di sistemi ed apparecchiature per l’elettrofisiologia, ha eseguito consulenze scientifiche per varie aziende, dirigendo, tra l’altro, un progetto per la realizzazione di una valvola cardiaca biologica. Dal 1979 collabora con la moglie Antonietta Gatti in numerose ricerche sui biomateriali. Dal 2004 ha la direzione scientifica del laboratorio Nanodiagnostics di Modena in cui si svolgono ricerche e si offrono consulenze di altissimo livello sulle nanopatologie.

Stephen A. Smith


Stephen A. Smith Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you'll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day’s biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena. The Stephen A. Smith Show is sure to entertain, inform, and motivate anyone who tunes in.



Are you looking for great music? What makes you hit that play button? Like you I love music and I absolutely love making it, as a singer and songwriter who weaves melodies, rhythms across many styles and genres, I invite you to join me here on this musical journey. What makes you hit that play button? Heartfelt, melodies and lyrics that resonate with your emotions, evoke memories, connects with you in the moment, or a good cover song that lingers on your mind long after it is finished? Perhaps like me you enjoy discovering new sounds, styles new music and rhythms. What ever it may be, I am here to provide a diverse musical experience that will excite you, connect with you and I hope move you. Come and hit the play button and explore a world where music knows no bounds. Let the harmonies, guide you, melodies inspire you and embark on an experience that will leave you craving for more.