Shattering The Matrix


This is the Empowerment Channel! Check out all the latest information that keeps us "aware" about the sinister forces that have been keeping this planet hostage. Get information about the Matrix, the Archontic Influence, The effect of Negative Aliens on the planet and why so much grief happens in an individual level and a planetary level. Learn about the Solutions that will allow us to break free of this spell and what humanity has to do to create the world that was intended by the Original Divine Blueprint. By uncovering and exposing those forces that are currently working in stealth, we can finally shine a light on the darkness and allow humanity to rise to it's greatness!



Fun and Educational Crafts and Science Experiments for Science Crafts. Introduction: Welcome to our YouTube channel. in my channel name. Our previous channel name was 5-minute Crafts this is our new channel. So everyone will make this channel like 5-minute crafts like the previous channels. science Crafts. dedicated providing fun and educational crafts and science experiments for small kids! We believe that learning can be exciting and hands-on, so we've curated a collection of engaging activities that promote creativity, critical thinking, and exploration. Join us on this journey of discovery and watch your little ones marvel at the wonders of the world around them!