Rosary Garden


Pray the Rosary with me. Published every Wednesday morning; recorded live each Monday evening at 8:00pm (US central time) on YouTube and Instagram (please pray along and share your intentions). There is no editing or post-production; what happens live is what you hear. The first episode was on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7, 2020. I'm a lifelong Catholic, a product of Catholic schools, a 3rd Degree Knight of Columbus, and a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish in De Pere, Wisconsin. I also enjoy my vocation making custom rosaries. — Scott Crevier

Cléo Ribeiro Rossafa


A Visão do Ministério Mudança de Vida é a de perseguir o exemplo do nosso Mestre maior, Jesus Cristo. É buscar de modo intenso nos tornarmos semelhantes a Ele através da fé viva, atitudes práticas, renúncia diária e amor através de atitudes, pois Cristo é puro amor e como sabemos, amor não é um sentimento, amor é expresso em atitudes. Cada cristão precisa perseguir a mudança. Assim como Cristo mudou a história da humanidade em apenas três anos, o Ministério Mudança de Vida quer levar a mudança através do Único caminho verdadeiro, a Palavra de Deus. E essa mudança de vida começa dentro de cada um de nós. Começa na mente, por meio de escolhas que tomamos. Junte-se a nós como um discípulo de Cristo na propagação do evangelho e como lemos em 2 Timóteo 4:2: “Pregue a Palavra em tempo e fora de tempo” e, se necessário, use as palavras. Ou seja, viva a palavra através de sua vida, sua conduta, sua mentalidade bíblica, tendo como modelo nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

Aussie Cossack Reporting


More About What Aussie Cossack is doing. Not all is as it would first seem . . . a place for commenting. Independent and NOT in any way associated with Politics or "AussieCossack". Concerned with The Truth being known by all. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources: Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11:

You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons.


Our store has a wide range of Christian products & gifts. You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come to Jerusalem every year. However, not everyone can afford such a trip for a number of reasons: there is no time or opportunity. We work hard to ensure that you receive the highest quality Christian goods right from the heart of the Holy Land. Products from the Holy Land will make your home atmosphere more comfortable and your mood will become godly and joyful