Codega's Codex of Curiosities


At Codega's Codex of Curiosities you'll find strange, weird and unexplainable mysteries . The Codega was a profession for a man who's life work was that of a guide and a storyteller. He was a person that a traveller would hire, to walk in front at night escorting them with a lit lantern through the streets. He would light up the way, warding off thieves, ghosts and demons. The Codega would bring you confidence and protection throughout your journey, he would remain with you until you safely arrived at your destination. I interview people who've had experiences with UFO's UAP's, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Dogman, Werewolf, Skinwalker, Wendigo, Ghosts, Poltergeist, Aliens, High Strangeness, Glitches in the Matrix. This is a place where we will explore mysteries, the unexplained and the unfathomable that are part of our very world, or from others. I'll be your guide as we navigate through the and try to uncover some answers. Keep your curiosity wandering and ensure the light remains lit.

Marco de Santo

1 Follower

Descubra o caminho para o sucesso pessoal e empresarial! Este é o canal definitivo para aqueles que desejam alcançar resultados extraordinários em todas as áreas de suas vidas. Abrace o poder do desenvolvimento pessoal e empresarial e transforme seus sonhos em realidade! Junte-se a uma comunidade de pessoas ambiciosas e determinadas, ansiosas por compartilhar suas histórias de sucesso e lições aprendidas. Prepare-se para ser inspirado, motivado e capacitado por meio de conteúdos exclusivos e impactantes. De estratégias comprovadas de liderança a segredos de produtividade, você encontrará tudo o que precisa para se destacar em seus empreendimentos. Construa uma mentalidade vencedora, desbloqueie seu potencial máximo e alcance níveis extraordinários de sucesso. Inscreva-se agora e embarque em uma jornada de crescimento e transformação pessoal e empresarial. Este é o momento de elevar seus padrões, superar limites e construir uma vida de sucesso duradouro. Venha crescer conosco!

"Lodestars: Navigating the Paths of Inspiration"


"Lodestar" is a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of the guiding lights that shape our lives. In this insightful journey, the book delves into the myriad sources of inspiration that illuminate our paths, from personal experiences and mentors to timeless wisdom and unexpected moments of clarity. With a blend of introspection and storytelling, "Lodestar" invites readers to reflect on their own journey and the constellations of influence that lead them forward. This book offers a compelling perspective on the forces that guide us, reminding us that even in the vast expanse of life's sky, there are always lodestars to help us find our way.