Minister Jap Network

1,954 Followers and The Minister Jap Network are multimedia platforms that offer entertainment, motivation, advice, current events, & etc for the black community. The owner, creator, and personality “Minister Jap” designed this platform for brothers and sisters to freely discuss issues we face in the black community without being filtered or censored. Minister Jap has become an internet sensation with his harsh delivery and witty perspective of different topic dealing with black people. Raised on the south side of the Chicagoland area Jap learned a lot dealing with the streets, corporations, relationships and etc. Jap takes his personal experiences and assesses them and offers the masses game and knowledge so that they can make chess moves in life. Jap’s main focus is educating black women on the importance of marrying before they have children.

Prime Minister of Canada


Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada @CanadianPM69.1K subscribers946 videos This is the official Yoideos made available through this YouTube profile are subject to a Canadian Crown Copyright with all rights reserved, unless otherwise specified, and can only be used in accordance with YouTube's Terms of Use and, where applicable, the terms set out in the specified Creative Commons Licence i.e. Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives.uTube channel for Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister of Canada is also featured on: and 1 more link Subscribe Description This is the official YouTube channel for Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister of Canada is also featured on:

Virtual Doctor Visit Holistic Health Dr.Kish ,D.C & Minister


To work with me Via ZOOM, send me email request:, ( California Time Zone ) . See my website for more information on how I work with others on Zoom. If you would like in person also send me email. My holistic health coach approach to ones individual needs builds a strong bond with my patients and having a provider beyond office visits over zoom is extremely private and relaxing, achieving your health goals. Contact your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions. This channel is not substitue for professional diagnosis and treatment. Welcome to my holistic health healing minister channel.This channel is to share information, insight to daily common health issues providing education and solutions. You have made a wise decision in taking proactive approach for your health and well- being. We must understand everything is connected and address issues finding the root cause of your discomfort. I wish all of you and your loved ones the GOD given gift of health. Please take notes start your own journey into your insides and how they work. I believe the body self healing and with our intention and attention to our insides it cascades healing to the outside. Medical information found here is provided as information resource only, not to be used on relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. this info is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient physician relationship, not substitute for Professional diagnosis

Historinhas bíblicas, Bonecos que tornam muito mais divertido o aprendizado da Bíblia, atividade e louvor para ministério infantil


Seja bem vindo ao canal Sementinhas de Jesus, um canal criado com muito amor ao ministério infantil, para ensinar a palavra de Deus aos pequeninos! Estamos muito felizes em tê-lo aqui no nosso canal! Esperamos que goste do nosso conteúdo e compartilhe! "Ensina a criança no caminho em que deve andar; e até quando envelhecer não se desviará dele". Provérbios 22:6

Ministério de Reconciliação Amados do Pai


Este ministério tem como principal objetivo restaurar e fortalecer a comunhão dos filhos com o Pai Celestial. Através do ensino e da pregação do Evangelho a igreja cresce e se fortalece no Senhor, sendo edificada pelo Espírito Santo no amor e na fé. Aquele que desceu é também o mesmo que subiu acima de todos os céus, para cumprir todas as coisas. E ele mesmo deu uns para apóstolos, e outros para profetas, e outros para evangelistas, e outros para pastores e doutores, Querendo o aperfeiçoamento dos santos, para a obra do ministério, para edificação do corpo de Cristo; Até que todos cheguemos à unidade da fé, e ao conhecimento do Filho de Deus, a homem perfeito, à medida da estatura completa de Cristo. Efésios 4:10-13

Hno Anthony


En nuestro canal compartimos la Palabra de Elohim (Dios), atraves de mensajes y estudios bíblicos ; de una manera sencilla y comprensible que sea útil para el "nuevo creyente". Predicamos y enseñamos la Davar de Elohim (Palabra de Dios) tomando en cuenta el contexto y la cultura de las Raíces Hebreas; Creemos que hay un sólo Elohim (Dios), un sólo Mashiaj (Mesias), un sólo Pacto (Convenio) una sola Torah (Instrucción) y un solo Pueblo (Israel). Nuestra misión es ser instrumento de bendición para todos los creyentes que aman a Dios y su Palabra, para dar a conocer el Evangelio Eterno de ayer, hoy y siempre que nos enseño y nos anunció Yeshua HaMashiaj (Jesucristo), Proclamando que su Reino y la Salvación habían llegado, Amén!

Minister Tonya 23


Welcome to The Temple of Serqet, a sacred space dedicated to healing, transformation, and spiritual enlightenment. Inspired by Serqet, the ancient goddess of protection and healing, this channel explores profound spiritual insights, universal prayer, and holistic wellness. Join us for enlightening discussions, powerful mantras, and soul-nourishing hymns as we delve into topics of personal growth, metaphysics, and divine connection. Whether you’re seeking balance, renewal, or a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries, The Temple of Serqet is your sanctuary for spiritual exploration and empowerment. Content Highlights: Universal prayer services and healing rituals Weekly sermons rooted in ancient wisdom and modern spirituality Spiritual teachings for personal growth and protection Discussions on holistic wellness and energetic balance Step into the 24-hour spiritual temple not made by human hands but by the divine essence of Serqet AmenRA. Here, we honor the journey of healing, transformation, and the infinite power within.