LockPickingLawyer Verified


This channel aims to educate consumers about weaknesses and defects in security devices so they can make better security decisions. It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: do not use any of the information presented in my videos for illegal purposes. My mailing information is below. Do NOT send anything you want back unless I’ve agreed in advance to do so. LockPickingLawyer P.O. Box 215 Damascus, MD 20872 USA Please note that I do not recommend locks, nor do I provide assistance in opening them. For advice getting started in locksport, I recommend the “University” at LockLab.com. For all other inquiries, email me (channel name at gmail). One final note - I usually receive over one hundred emails each day, and though I spend a couple hours a day answering emails, I can’t answer them all. Apologies in advance if your email is one that slips through the cracks.

Prophetic Dreams and Visions from my lovely Jesus


This channel is dedicated to my lovely Jesus Christ and is meant to glorify Father God & Him, to share the gift of Salvation and sound His warnings through prophetic dreams, visions and words from my lovely Jesus Christ. This site, videos, and all such like pertaining directly or indirectly to the My Lovely Jesus Ministry and all information provided in this description box of information, links, and invitations are not open to, or available in all God's knowledge and existence to demons, fallen angels, and all the kingdom of darkness. All who have entered prior before this notice your invitation/s and access for all mentioned places, things, and such like contained here including all other of the My Lovely Jesus Ministry sites, texts and such like are permanently revoked with all privileges suspended in Jesus Christ's Name. This is your official notice you are hereby expelled in Jesus Christ's Name. This is non-negotiable, non-arguable, non-changeable, unable to be resisted, cannot be disobeyed, ignored, it's irrevocable (Job 22:28; Philippians 2:9-11; Ephesians 1:20-22) or any other such like that Father God has in His knowledge. By command and authority given to me by Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19; Matthew 18:18; James 4:7; Isaiah 54:17; 55:11) Comments will be deleted by trollers, those trying to cause confusion & strife, those who are disrespectful to all on this site, the use of vulgarity, and those who want to contend about the Holy Word of God. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ. God bless.

Trevor Zheng | High Ticket Dropshipping


Hey! I'm Trevor. I teach others how to build an full time income with High Ticket Ecommerce. Apply for coaching: https://ecomhighticket.com/hte-application/?utm_source=tzrumble&el=tzrumble 60+ Page Case Study: How I Build An High Ticket Dropshipping Store to $10K/Month Profit Without Touching a Single Product https://docs.google.com/document/d/13thixGu_Cwt7dguhO0Lqo6_XxCg6aeVb7LzyUiiSDbA/edit?usp=sharing 👇 Follow me on my other platforms: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecomTrevor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecomwithtrevor/