Bill Hillmann


Training a Retriever with Bill Hillmann The most important part to training is to develop a relationship with your dog that will create a bond and a partnership. This will be based on respect and kindness and that will last forever. Bill\\\\\\\'s method of retriever training works with ALL types of retrievers and gun dogs. His videos will guide you in training with a solid and balanced foundation and mild remote training collar reinforcement. \\\\r\\\\n"They can all do it ... you just have to bring out the best in them."\\\\r\\\\nBill has trained the most High Point Derby dogs in the history of AKC Field Trials. He has been credited with scoring more total derby points than any other retriever trainer in history. He has developed more than forty Field Champions, numbers AFCs, double header winners and two National Amateur Retriever Champions. \\\\r\\\\nVideos: DVDs and streaming are available at:

Shamanic Self


→ Website: → Youtube: All info on sessions: Welcome to this channel. This channel was created to ensure my truths get out there. Main channel was deleted at 5.5k followers on Nov 3, 2022. Let's make sure we gain thousands more in no time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self (formerly: Pleiadian Healer)! I am a: • Shamanic Healer, Shamanic Teacher & Intuitive Psychic I specialize in: • AI removals, implant removals, soul retrievals, psychic readings, life coaching & more I am also a: • Teacher of Shamanic Practices, inner knowing and much more! I offer various different courses and webinars, such as my Soul Communication Course, Shamanic Journey Webinar, House Clearing & Land Healing Course and many more! Find further information here:

Shane Killian


Note: All of my educational videos are released under a Creative Commons license. I do not sell them for profit. If you'd like to donate whatever you think these videos might be worth, you can do so here: Or join the Bogosity Discord: Or the Lord Killian Discord: Unless otherwise specified, all of my videos are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Note: This channel has rules, and they ARE enforced. They are: 1: No spamming/flooding 2: No sockpuppets 3: No threatening behavior 4: No stalking 5: No libel or character assassination 6: No bigoted comments

Raj Shamani


The next 10 years is going to be The Golden Age for India. It will be filled with infinite once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, but if you don’t prepare and grow yourself to win these opportunities then you won’t be able to achieve your ‘Indian Dream’. And we won’t let that happen, this channel is about helping you grow and win in life. Our Purpose for this channel is to become one of the most authoritative and informative guides to what is happening in business, relationships, politics, health, science and entertainment. Mission of our podcast “Figuring Out: The Indian Dream’: is to help every Indian achieve their ‘Indian Dream’. Do subscribe and follow us because we promise you that every day, we will bring top leaders and ideas from around the world to teach you new things.