Parti Scientifique Citoyen


Le Parti Scientifique Citoyen est un parti politique sans idéologie, ni clivage gauche / droite. De façon scientifique et méthodique, nous examinons les diverses lois et leurs impacts directs sur la société actuelle. Les rapports scientifiques financés par des lobbys, ainsi que les entreprises concernées, ne seront pas pris en considération. Proche de nos concitoyens, nous nous engageons à trouver des solutions innovantes, rationnelles et durables.

World Hotline News is a prominent global news outlet that provides up-to-the-minute coverage of the most significant events


World Hotline News is a prominent global news outlet that provides up-to-the-minute coverage of the most significant events and developments across the globe. With its unwavering commitment to journalistic integrity and accuracy, World Hotline News has established itself as a reliable source of information for millions of people worldwide. From breaking news stories and political updates to social issues, technological advancements, and environmental concerns, World Hotline News covers a wide range of topics with comprehensive analysis and insightful reporting.

Scientific Ashish


Creative individuals thrive on being able to share their ideas and opinions with others around them. This channel has provided such a wonderful outlet to do exactly that. Scientific Ashish is proud to provide you creative, innovative and scientific videos, just for you. Hi... I am Ashish. I love to create or innovate and fond of doing experiments. I'm here to share my creativity and innovativity as well as scientific experiments. Join this journey of science. Please follow my channel and support me ⚫Creative ⚫Innovative ⚫Scientific