Forever Conscious Research Channel


Welcome to Forever Conscious Research Channel and thank you for watching. This video and the information contained on this channel may not be for everyone. For those willing to set aside all preconceived notions and about what they think the Earth experience is of being honest with themselves then chances are this will likely resonate (or at least I hope). We have thousands upon thousands of years worth of historical data and trends which we all can refer back to. Regardless of how slanted & one sided that history may be, it creates a clear and undeniable blueprint of complete and utter control of humanity. This gnosis discussed on this channel should be a birthright and something that everyone deserves to be made aware of. When we connect the never ending inconsistencies and mechanics of the Earth realm in conjunction with experiencer data we can see what's going on very clearly. Some of the topics which are involved and cross over with one another to prove the soul trap are: 1) Near Death Experiences, 2) Pre-Birth Memories, 3) Past Lives Regressions & Life Between Lives, 4) Reincarnation, 5) Shared Death Experiences, 6) Coma Experiences, 7) Astral Projection (Self-Induced), 8) Out of Body Experiences (Randomly Occurs), 9) Breakthrough Trip Reports, 10) Traumatic Incident Experiences 11) "Alien" / Entity Abduction Accounts, 12) Deathbed Visions & Visitations, 13) Premonitions, 14) After Death Communication, and 15) Spiritually Transformative Experiences. What is going on here on Earth has been happening for as far back as we have records for. Nothing is new brothers and sisters...all we are seeing is our modern day version of the same old song and dance.

Gabriel Cruz Research Verified


The new home of Gabriel Cruz Research. If you suddenly noticed my YouTube channel disappeared, that's no error. YouTube deleted my channel permanently. You can find YT archives uploaded here in the future... Linktree CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds: PayPal: Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube: Email:



Hello Family, And welcome new subscribers! I have been asked a couple of times "Who is Mother Clare?. I have been asked why do you pray to Mary? I have been asked about speaking to the Saints? Are you catholic? etc. I am not a catholic nor am I protestant fundamentalist, I am a Heartdweller repairing the breach between the Catholic Church and the Protestant church. The Lord wants to bring UNITY to his body so that we are all truly ONE as He and the Father are ONE. I am simply a bride of Christ who dwells in Jesus\\\\\\\'s heart. The Lord is taking his body back to the teachings of the "Early Church". I realize the channel is growing and everyone on here is not a Heartdweller. So I wanted to make a welcome video to introduce everyone to what this channel is about. I come from Still Small Voice Channel that used to be on YouTube but now is on Vimeo. We are known as "Heartdwellers" and this is an extension of that ministry.I am a Heartdweller, simply a Bride of Christ who dwells in the heart of God. This is Heartdwellers Ghana doing the channel "From Jesus with Love" because these messages are from Jesus with love to you! To all his brides and those who want to know, love, hear and see God in an intimate way. He is all about raising his bride in righteousness and holiness so that we all maybe ready for his return because he is coming very soon in our lifetime and generation!