Salon Ludzi Wolnych


Celem projektu „Salon Ludzi Wolnych” jest odblokowanie najpoważniejszych barier w społecznej komunikacji; związanych zarówno z treścią naszych dyskusji, jak i formą ich propagowania. Cywilizacyjne zagrożenia oraz największe społeczne problemy powinny być omawiane otwarcie, publicznie i bez lęku. Jedynie w taki sposób dotrzemy do wyczerpujących diagnoz, do najtrafniejszych definicji, do prawdy. Podczas dystrybucji wyprodukowanych już materiałów przyjęliśmy zasadę najdalej idącej współpracy wielu portali blogerskich, kanałów informacyjnych oraz platform ułatwiających emisję. ________________ Projekt realizowany jest przez Fundację Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia, społeczność oraz zaprzyjaźnionych Twórców. Strona projektu: Kontakt : ________________ 
 Zmierzamy do wolnej, bezpiecznej Polski. Jeżeli chciałbyś udzielić wsparcia temu, co robimy, wystarczy drobna wpłata na rzecz Fundacji "Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia" : 
66 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 4990 PLN 86 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 5018 USD Kod SWIFT/BIC do przelewu z zagranicy: WBKPPLPP 
W tytule przelewu prosimy wpisać: "Darowizna na cele statutowe". Konto PayPal SLW Bez Waszego wsparcia nic nie będzie możliwe. _________________ 
Uwarunkowania prawne. 
Drogi Użytkowniku, Materiał, który masz przed sobą, jest chroniony prawami autorskimi. Zachęcamy do rozpowszechniania tego materiału w całości. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na dystrybucję w częściach, należy zachować integralności treści, aby uniknąć zmiany sensu oryginalnej wypowiedzi. W każdej dystrybucji obowiązkowe jest jasne wskazanie źródła poprzez zamieszczenie linku do strony internetowej

CCOAN - Thessalonica


WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CCOAN - THESSALONICA RUMBLE ACCOUNT! If millions of this generation are to believe they must see proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. One of the proofs is the living church of the Christian Church Of All Nations - Thessalonica, that operates in Thessaloniki, Greece, under man of God Harry. As he was trained under the mentorship of Prophet T.B. Joshua in Lagos, Nigeria, today he is one of the people God has chosen to do His work, exposing the evil plans of the devil. (John 10:10). Through our uploads we aim to awake today’s generation that lives without faith and hope, ignoring the existence of the Creator, by showing tangible evidence that Jesus Christ never said goodbye! He still encourages His people to do His work today! Be part of this revolution and receive the awesome benefits of Christ’s great salvation, manifested through this powerful ministry! For more information visit our Official Website -

Caleb Savant - Gunsmith


I'm Caleb Savant, a seasoned gunsmith and firearm professional with a deep passion for the industry. You may know me from Brownells, where I share my expertise through informative and educational content on YouTube and, helping enthusiasts and professionals alike. My journey in the firearm world is enriched by my experience as an Army combat veteran, which gives me a unique perspective on the practical applications of firearms and gunsmiting as a whole. Combining my military background with years of hands-on gunsmithing experience, I aim to provide reliable and insightful guidance to anyone interested in firearms.

Reviews of Guns & Gear and everything Tacti-cool!


"Welcome to 'RazorMP,' a channel dedicated to in-depth reviews and discussions about firearms and tactical gear. As a seasoned combat veteran (former infantryman, military policeman, special reaction team leader, SRT sniper, protective service agent (bodyguard), drill sergeant, First Sergeant (RET) USA, NRA Pistol Instructor and Texas Concealed Carry Instructor...whew...thats a lot of words) and passionate gun enthusiast, I bring a unique blend of experience and passion to each video. From detailed breakdowns of the latest firearms to hands-on testing of tactical equipment, this channel offers viewers expert insights and honest reviews. Join me as I explore the world of firearms, sharing tips, tricks, and my personal experiences from years in the field. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, 'RazorMP' is your go-to source for all things tactical and firearms-related." Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.

Amazon Seller School, How to Sell on Amazon


Welcome to Amazon Seller School, your trusted partner in the exhilarating world of Amazon selling. Whether you’re an eager novice or an established seller, our goal is to simplify your journey, amplify your profits, and offer you the tools and insights needed for consistent growth. Our Origin Story Amazon Seller School is the brainchild of Todd Welch, a passionate entrepreneur whose journey in the Amazon marketplace epitomizes resilience, evolution, and success. From humble beginnings, flipping finds from Walmart and Goodwill, Todd quickly recognized the potential and scalability of the Amazon platform. Todd Welch the Host of Amazon Seller School How To Sell on Amazon However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Grappling with an 80-hour workweek juggling his regular job and Amazon business, Todd’s resilience bore fruit when he discovered the realm of Amazon Wholesale. Bypassing the routine of retail arbitrage, he began connecting directly with brands and their distributors, ensuring a consistent stock and steady profits. This vision and strategy led Todd to establish a 2,000 sq ft warehouse within months, which then scaled to a 5,000 sq ft facility in tax-friendly Florida by 2020. Through meticulous financial planning, disciplined strategies, and relentless determination, Todd’s operations now report over $300,000 in monthly sales, with an annual trajectory aimed at crossing $4 million in 2023. Our Philosophy At Amazon Seller School, we believe the Amazon marketplace remains a land of opportunities. While the landscape is undeniably more competitive than a decade ago, there’s ample room for dedicated sellers to carve their niche, optimize their processes, and thrive. Whether you’re interested in wholesale, private label, retail arbitrage, or any of the numerous profitable pathways on Amazon, our platform is tailored to guide you. As Todd often says, “Success is yours, if you take it.” What We Offer Each week, our podcast dives deep into the nuances of Amazon selling. From invaluable tips and tricks from Todd himself to engaging interviews with other sellers and software/tool creators, we bring a 360-degree perspective to your Amazon selling journey. Additionally, our platform offers tools like the two-week cashflow and budget cashflow template, which Todd himself uses to stay financially disciplined. Our ultimate mission is to empower you to sell more, learn continually, and scale your business seamlessly. At Amazon Seller School, we provide not just insights but also tailored training for Amazon sellers. Dive into our standout “Path to Six Figures Program” to fast-track your success. With expert guidance on listing optimization, brand collaborations, and securing exclusive agreements, this program is your roadmap to thriving on Amazon, whether you’re a beginner or looking to scale. Join us and chart your path to success. Join Our Community Embark on this thrilling journey with us. Subscribe to our podcast, join our YouTube community, and tap into the plethora of resources we continually develop for Amazon sellers like you. Here at Amazon Seller School, we’re more than just a platform; we’re a community committed to each other’s success. Remember, every giant leap starts with a simple step. Let’s step into success together!